Building Passive Income as a Digital Nomad (2024)

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Last Updated on November 30, 2020 by Yovana

Welcome to this newest series centering around entrepreneur stories and their journeys. I hope that these stories help empower you in your own experience and journey (if you’re an entrepreneur or if you’re not and still want inspiration for something else you want to start in your life). This is an interview with Sharon of who’s been able to build up multiple passive income streams and teaches others how they can do the same! Read on for her full story –

Table of Contents

Tell us a little about yourself and your business.

Hi! I’m Sharon Tseung, and I’m a YouTuber and Blogger at Digital Nomad Quest. Back in 2016 I quit my job, traveled for 2 years as a digital nomad, and built passive income streams through Etsy, Amazon, affiliate marketing, and other means. Now I teach people how to make passive income and build online businesses to create a financially free and location independent life.

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Building Passive Income as a Digital Nomad (1)

What made you want to embark on this entrepreneurial journey and start your own business?

After being boxed in an office for so long, I decided to go on a solo month long Europe trip in 2014, where I saw people passionately enjoying life. When I came back, I thought what if there WERE another way of living and I just hadn’t figured it out yet? What would I see and create if I could remove financial restrictions?

I began obsessively self-studying over 20 books, blogs, and anything I could find about passive income and online businesses. I wanted to learn how to make money work for me so I could live life on my own terms. Then I could see the world, pursue my dreams, work on meaningful pursuits, and inspire others to live THEIR dreams.

So in May of 2016, I quit my job, booked a one-way ticket to Stockholm, and embarked on my entrepreneurial journey on the road. At first it was scary defying social norms and leaving the comforts of a steady paycheck and career, but it ended up being one of the best decisions in my entire life.

All the work I put in, the obstacles I overcame, and the risks I took paid off. I traveled the world for 2 years, met people from all walks of life, visited over 30 countries, all while growing my passive income streams to an average of $4,000/month and substantially increasing my net worth. I did this mainly through selling products on Etsy, Amazon FBA, Merch by Amazon, and blogging.

What were you doing before? What made you want to leave that and do your own thing?

After I graduated from UC Berkeley, I worked in Marketing at various startups and at Google for about 4-5 years. I wanted to leave because of a calling to see life outside of the Bay Area and the office as well as a calling to build passive income and online businesses. I knew there was a lot of life to be experienced, and traveling the world would give me much more perspective. I wanted to see what else was out there. Making money work for me would be the tool to create the life of freedom I desired. I also wanted to make sure I had no regrets in life, so I didn’t ever want to wonder “what if” if I never took the plunge to travel and start my own business.

Starting a business is not easy. What was the hardest thing you faced when getting your business off the ground?

Building passive income is a gradual process that takes a lot of time. One of the toughest things is not seeing results instantaneously. However, passive income is a long-term play. It can be a while before you actually see results, and it can be demotivating when you don’t see them.

Rather than focus on whether or not it’s all working, you have to keep hustling and understand that the entrepreneurial journey is one with many ups and downs.

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Did you have any sort of savings that you applied towards getting your business up and running or did you take out a loan? Can you guide us through how that was like?

When it comes to quitting, traveling, and building passive income streams, I recommend saving at least 2 years of estimated expenses if you’re going to attempt the digital nomad / entrepreneurship life. I booked my one-way ticket about 6 months out and I decided to acquire some part-time remote positions during that period of time. This gave me an extra grand a month each on top of my full-time job, which allowed me to build my nest egg more quickly.

I ended up with a decent amount of savings, and I also booked six months of flights and accommodations ahead of time so I knew I wasn’t going to run out or have to worry about travel expenses. Because I checked sites like and I was also able to look for locations that are cost-friendly, safe, and fun to visit.

The business expenses were not too high so I didn’t have to worry about that as much. Because I figured out ways to make passive income through means that require less capital, I didn’t spend that much. It required more time and effort versus capital.

How long did it take to actually start profiting from your business?

It only took about a month to start profiting on my Etsy shop (my first passive income stream). It wasn’t much – just a few sales here and there, but it was enough to show that it worked. In terms of my current business teaching people how to build passive income, I blogged for a few years without monetizing my site. Now I’m at a place where profits are slowly rising as I build up my brand.

What legal issues/road blocks (if any) have you experienced during this start up period?

I haven’t really found legal issues. Because I consulted with other entrepreneurs, established my LLC, and purchased a sellers permit for my businesses where I sell physical products, I haven’t run into issues for now (fingers crossed).

How do you find the time to still tend to your own personal life and needs?

I find it’s important to write down the different domains in your life that are important to you to make sure you spend sufficient time in them. For myself, I care a lot about my relationships (friendships, family, romantic), financial freedom, health, and passions. In this way I’m more aware and able to work on balancing all areas of my life, though it can be tough. When I find one part is lacking or I’m putting too much in one area, I step back to make sure the other domains are being fulfilled.

I also created a spreadsheet to outline my goals, milestones, 5-year plan, 1-year plan, monthly, weekly, and daily tasks. Each of my action plans align with the domains in my life that I care about. And I make sure to review this spreadsheet as much as possible. You can check out my blog post here where I talk about exactly how I do that.

What tools do you use and recommend to others to help manage your time, life and overall well-being while running a business?

I mainly use Google Keep and Google Sheets. I use Google Keep as a notepad for my daily tasks, while I use Google Sheets for tracking my goals, milestones, and action plans.

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What was one book, online article or other form of inspiration that guides you through your day-to-day work?

Here are a few books I recommend:

Tell us one way your lifestyle has changed since becoming an entrepreneur?

I’ve always been entrepreneurial at heart so having side hustles and executing on business ideas is not new to me. This lifestyle does require a lot of hard work and balancing of time.

In terms of my travels, leaving to be a digital nomad / entrepreneur in 2016 was an interesting experience. I learned a lot about perspectives of people from all walks of life, and I was able to see the world while working on my online businesses. My lifestyle changed as I was in new countries a month at each time.

I came back to the Bay Area after being a digital nomad for 2 years, and I found a sense of newfound ambition and excitement for building my brand. I feel more excited about freedom and endless opportunities because of my digital nomad experience.

What are 3 tips you have for others who are thinking about starting their own business?

Focus on one thing. Be patient and be persistent. Provide value for people.

Think back to a time before you had your own business. What would you tell the “you” that you were back then?

I would tell myself that there are going to be ups and downs, but you must trust your struggle and enjoy the process! Everyone’s path is different and everyone’s definition of success is different.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us! Any parting thoughts?

Keep hustling, and make sure to live a life true to yourself!

Entrepreneur Bio:

Building Passive Income as a Digital Nomad (2)

Sharon Tseung is the founder ofDigital Nomad Quest, teaching people how to make passive income online. She has been featured on Yahoo Finance, Bustle, Fast Company, and other notable websites and podcasts. Sharon traveled the world as a digital nomad for 2 years, visited over 30 countries, all while growing passive income streams to an average of $4,000/month.

Check out her Etsy Entrepreneur course to learn how to generate $1,000 a month in passive income using Etsy!

Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest!

What do you think of Sharon’s story? Do you want to become a digital nomad and thought of ways you could make that work? What are some passive income ideas you’ve tried? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

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Building Passive Income as a Digital Nomad (3)


Daniella is the creator and author of When their wife Alexandra and them aren’t globetrotting or playing with their 7+ animals, they are dabbling and working towards a future of financial freedom.

Building Passive Income as a Digital Nomad (2024)


Building Passive Income as a Digital Nomad? ›

Subtitling and transcriptions. Another excellent opportunity of digital nomad job for beginners is by doing subtitling and transcription work. You could be adding subtitles to movies, documentaries, or even YouTube videos, or transcribing podcasts and audio recordings—no matter where you roam.

What is the average income of a digital nomad? ›

Digital nomad designers can earn an average salary between $50,000 and $80,000 per year, depending on their expertise and the type of design work they specialize in.

What is the highest paying digital nomad job? ›

Here are some high-paying freelance jobs to consider to support your lifestyle as a digital nomad in 2024:
  1. Freelance Software Developer. Software developers use their programming and design expertise to build applications that meet the needs of their end users. ...
  2. Freelance Project Manager. ...
  3. Freelance UX/UI Designer.
May 9, 2024

Are digital nomads wealthy? ›

You must be very wealthy to become a digital nomad, right? While there are some very wealthy digital nomads out there, you don't have to earn a million dollars or even $100,000 per year to become a digital nomad. You might be surprised how much real digital nomads actually earn.

How to make $5000 a month working from home? ›

How To Make 5K A Month
  1. Online Freelancing.
  2. Make Money With Get-Paid-To Sites.
  3. Gig Economy Jobs.
  4. Make Money Blogging.
  5. Rent Out Assets.
  6. Launch An Etsy Shop.
  7. Retail Arbitrage.
  8. Proofreading & Editing.
Jul 25, 2024

How old is the average digital nomad? ›

The average age of a digital nomad is 32 years old, with millennials comprising 44% of digital nomads in the U.S. More than 80% of digital nomads are men, while 20% are women. 56% of digital nomads claim to have no religious affiliation.

Is 30 too old to be digital nomad? ›

No longer just the preserve of twenty or thirty-somethings, life as a digital nomad is something people of almost any age can enjoy. These tips provide suggestions on how to seamlessly transition into a lifestyle that combines the freedom of retirement with the dynamism of digital nomadism.

Do digital nomads pay US income tax? ›

1. Do Digital Nomads Have to Pay US Taxes? Yes, American digital nomads are required to file a US Federal Tax Return if they make over the minimum filing requirement—no matter where they live and if they're working remotely. The US is one of the few countries in the world that uses citizenship-based taxation.

How much does it cost to be a digital nomad monthly? ›

If you're traveling solo, you'll need to make at least $1,500-$2,000/month to live a comfortable digital nomad lifestyle. This could be through working online with a corporate job or freelancing. Of course, living on less is possible if necessary.

What is the easiest digital nomad to get? ›

Here is a list of easy digital nomad visas with simple application processes and quick approval times.
  • Dominica. ...
  • Dubai. ...
  • Grenada. ...
  • Hungary. ...
  • Malaysia. ...
  • Malta. Minimum Income Requirement: 2,700€/month. ...
  • Mauritius. Minimum Income Requirement: $1,500/month. ...
  • Namibia. Minimum Income Requirement: $2,000/month.
May 16, 2024

What is the highest paid digital skill? ›

What Is the Highest-Paying Skill in Digital Marketing? Among these top skills, data analytics is one of the highest-paid digital marketing skills. The ability to interpret data and apply insights to optimize campaigns is highly lucrative and sought after by employers.

What qualifications do you need to be a digital nomad? ›

Essential skills needed to be a digital nomad:
  • Self-discipline.
  • Organization.
  • Excellent written & verbal communication skills.
  • Marketing & sales skills.
  • Ability to budget and manage finances.
  • Knowledge of popular software (Microsoft Office Suite, Google Workspace)

Why not to be a digital nomad? ›

Loneliness is a major challenge for digital nomads. Even if you enjoy your alone time, it's not the same as feeling lonely. This can take a toll on your mental health, especially when you're in a location where it's difficult to make connections with others quickly.

What is the negative impact of digital nomads? ›

Loneliness and Friendship on the Road

One of the biggest challenges of being a digital nomad is the lack of community, and the constant need to start over in new places. Although some digital nomads may travel with friends or partners, many are on their own, which can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

How many Americans are digital nomads? ›

America has the largest population of digital nomads, with 17 million in total. 90% of digital nomads have received a higher education.

How do people afford nomadic lifestyles? ›

A temporary job or local seasonal employment may be all you need to keep your bank balance healthy. There are even websites that target people living full-time in an RV and looking for work.

How do nomadic tribes earn money? ›

Nomads are known as a group of communities who travel from place to place for their livelihood. Some are salt traders, fortune-tellers, conjurers, ayurvedic healers, jugglers, acrobats, actors, storytellers, snake charmers, animal doctors, tattooists, grindstone makers, or basketmakers.

How do digital nomads get work? ›

They often having no permanent home or address and instead live in many different places for short periods of time. Digital nomads work via the internet, communicating with their clients through email and video calling software and working from portable laptops in hotels, hostels and homestays around the world.

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.