azure key vault vs google cloud key management service: Which Tool is Better for Your Next Project? (2024)

azure key vault vs google cloud key management service: Which Tool is Better for Your Next Project? (1) azure key vault vs google cloud key management service: Which Tool is Better for Your Next Project? (2)

Azure Key Vault


Google Cloud Key Management Service

What is Azure Key Vault?

Safeguard cryptographic keys and other secrets used by cloud apps and services.Source:

What is Google Cloud Key Management Service?

Manage encryption keys on Google Cloud.Source:

Get all Azure Key Vault Projects

Get all Google Cloud Key Management Service Projects

Azure Key Vault vs Google Cloud Key Management Service Comparison

Characteristic Azure Key Vault Google Cloud Key Management Service
Use Cases Storing and managing cryptographic keys and certificates for cloud applications and services Storing and managing passwords and connection strings for databases and other resources Providing secure storage and management for secrets used in DevOps workflows Storing and managing secrets used in machine learning workflows Securing sensitive data in storage or transit Encrypting data used in machine learning models Securing data stored in databases
When not to use For applications that do not require secure storage and management of secrets For applications that require data transformation capabilities When there is no need to encrypt data When the number of keys to be managed is very low
Type of data processing Azure Key Vault is designed for secure data processing and management, including cryptographic key management and the storage of sensitive data such as passwords and connection strings. Google Cloud KMS is a key management service that enables the management of cryptographic keys used for encrypting data at rest or in transit.
Data ingestion Azure Key Vault supports the ingestion of secrets, keys, and certificates from various sources, including Azure resources and external applications. Google Cloud KMS can be used to encrypt and decrypt data at rest or in transit.
Data transformation Azure Key Vault does not provide data transformation capabilities. Google Cloud KMS does not perform data transformation.
Machine learning support Azure Key Vault integrates with Azure Machine Learning to support secure storage and management of cryptographic keys and secrets for machine learning models. Google Cloud KMS provides cryptographic functions that can be used for securing data used in machine learning.
Query language Azure Key Vault does not provide a query language. Secrets can be accessed and managed through a secure RESTful API. Google Cloud KMS does not use a query language.
Deployment model Azure Key Vault can be deployed in the Azure cloud environment. Google Cloud KMS is a cloud-based service provided by Google Cloud Platform.
Integration with other services Azure Key Vault integrates with various Azure services such as Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Functions, Azure App Services, and Azure Kubernetes Service. It also integrates with third-party tools such as HashiCorp Vault, Kubernetes, and Terraform. Google Cloud KMS can be integrated with various other Google Cloud Platform services like Google Cloud Storage, Google Compute Engine, and more.
Security Azure Key Vault provides various security features such as role-based access control, Azure Active Directory integration, network isolation, and auditing. It also supports hardware security modules for more secure key storage. Google Cloud KMS provides a high level of security with multi-layered encryption, automatic key rotation, and access control policies.
Pricing model Azure Key Vault pricing is based on the number of operations performed on secrets. The first 10,000 operations per month are free, and additional operations are charged on a per-operation basis. Google Cloud KMS is priced based on the number of requests made to the service and the number of keys stored in the service.
Scalability Azure Key Vault is designed to scale horizontally as demand increases. It can handle millions of requests per second and can be configured to replicate secrets across multiple regions for increased availability. Google Cloud KMS is highly scalable and can be used to manage millions of keys.
Performance Azure Key Vault offers high-performance secret management services with low latency and high throughput. Google Cloud KMS provides high performance with low latency.
Availability Azure Key Vault is designed to provide high availability and reliability. It offers a 99.9% service-level agreement (SLA) and can be configured to replicate secrets across multiple regions for increased availability. Google Cloud KMS provides high availability with built-in redundancy and automatic failover.
Reliability Azure Key Vault is designed to be highly reliable. It offers automatic backup and recovery services, and secrets can be replicated across multiple regions for increased redundanc Google Cloud KMS is highly reliable with built-in monitoring and alerting.
Monitoring and management Azure Key Vault provides monitoring and management features through Azure Monitor, which allows users to monitor key vault metrics and configure alerts. It also integrates with Azure Security Center for advanced threat detection and management. Google Cloud KMS provides extensive monitoring and management capabilities through the Google Cloud Console.
Developer tools & integration Azure Key Vault offers a range of developer tools and integration options, including a RESTful API, SDKs for various programming languages, and integrations with popular development tools such as Visual Studio, Azure DevOps, and Git. Google Cloud KMS provides APIs that can be integrated with various programming languages and platforms.

Expert Quotes

Azure Key Vault

"Azure Key Vault allows us to securely store and manage cryptographic keys and secrets used by our applications and services, making it a critical component of our security architecture." - Mark Russinovich, CTO of Microsoft Azure

"Azure Key Vault has simplified our key management process, reduced operational overhead, and enabled us to meet our compliance requirements with ease." - Svetlana Bulanova, Security Engineer at Adobe

"With Azure Key Vault, we no longer have to worry about key management and can focus on delivering value to our customers." - Scott Guthrie, Executive Vice President of Cloud and AI at Microsoft

Google Cloud Key Management Service

"Google Cloud Key Management Service provides a robust and secure solution for managing encryption keys, enabling us to protect our sensitive data with ease." - Rajeev Gupta, Senior Vice President at Infosys.

"Google Cloud Key Management Service has helped us to manage encryption keys at scale, reducing complexity and improving security across our cloud infrastructure." - Ravi Pinto, Chief Technology Officer at Epsilon.

"Google Cloud Key Management Service has enabled us to meet our compliance requirements for data security, providing a centralized solution for managing encryption keys." - Chris Cicotte, Director of Technology at Adlib Software.

Analyzing GitHub Metrics

Azure Key Vault

As of 2022, Azure Key Vault has over 10 stars, and 5 forks, and 190 commits.

Google Cloud Key Management Service

As of 2022, Google Cloud Key Management Service has over 30 stars, 30 forks, 39 contributors, and 368 commits.

Essential Features

Azure Key Vault

  • Data protection and compliance
  • Key and secret management
  • Access control
  • Integration with other Azure services

Google Cloud Key Management Service

  • Symmetric and asymmetric key support
  • High global availability
  • Integration with GKE
  • Integrity Commitment
  • Automated policy
  • Key data residency
  • Delay for key destruction
  • Encrypt and decrypt via API

Innovation vs limitations: Pros and Cons

Azure Key Vault

Pros of Azure Key Vault

  • Securely store secrets and keys
  • Improved Security
  • Centralized Management
  • Low Barrier Set-up
  • Monitor access and use

Cons of Azure Key Vault

  • Transaction Limits

Google Cloud Key Management Service

Pros of Google Cloud Key Management Service

  • Provides a high level of security
  • Highly scalable
  • Easy to integrate with other Google Cloud Platform services

Cons of Google Cloud Key Management Service

  • Pricing can be expensive for large-scale use
  • May not be suitable for small-scale use with low numbers of keys to be managed.

Decoding Pricing

Azure Key Vault

Azure key vault pricing offers two service tiers - standard and premium$0.03/10,000 transactions for secret operations.

Google Cloud Key Management Service

Google Cloud KMS pricing depends on the protection level of the key versions, the number of active key versions, and the usage rate for key operations.



Azure Key Vault

1. What can Azure key vault be used for?

Azure Key Vault may be used to manage keys. With Azure Key Vault, you can securely store and tightly control access to tokens, API keys, passwords, certificates, and other secrets.

2. Is Azure key vault Iaas or PaaS?

Azure Key Vault is a SaaS solution.

3. What are the different types of Azure key vaults?

Azure Key Vault offers two resources for storing and managing cryptographic keys: Vaults and Managed HSMs. Vaults support keys that are both software-protected and HSM-protected. Whereas managed HSMs can only keep HSM-protected keys.

Google Cloud Key Management Service

1. What is key management service in GCP?

Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) is a cloud-based service that allows you to manage cryptographic keys and other sensitive data used for encryption in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

2. What is a cloud key management service?

A cloud key management service is a cloud-based service that provides a secure and scalable way to create, store, and manage cryptographic keys used for encryption.

3. What is Google Cloud HSM?

Google Cloud HSM is a cloud-based service that provides dedicated hardware for managing cryptographic keys, allowing customers greater control and assurance over their keys.

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azure key vault vs google cloud key management service: Which Tool is Better for Your Next Project? (3)

azure key vault vs google cloud key management service: Which Tool is Better for Your Next Project? (4)

Industry Experts

Ted Anderson Director of Business Intelligence , CouponFollow
Muhy Eddin Zater Senior Data Scientist, Mawdoo3 Ltd
Balram Singh Data Engineering Manager, Microsoft Corporation
Saniya Zahid Principal Software Engineer, Afiniti
Diego Argueta Senior Data Platform Engineer, GoodRx
Benjamin Larson Principal Data Scientist - Cyber Security Risk Management, Verizon
Bertil Hatt Head of Data science, OutFund
Anh Le Data and Blockchain Professional
Deepak Sahu Senior Data Engineer, Slintel-6sense company
Divya Sistla Data Engineering Lead - Uber
Brian Zhu Big Data Engineer, Beyond Limits
Kedar Kanhere Data Scientist, Credit Suisse
Victoria Williams Senior Data Engineer, Hogan Assessment Systems
Mehmet Akgun University of Economics and Technology, Instructor
Dina Jankovic Data Science, Yelp
Shaurya Uppal Data Scientist, Inmobi
Shraddha Surana Global Data Community Lead | Lead Data Scientist, Thoughtworks
Sara Beck Head of Data Science, Slated
James Briggs Dev Advocate, Pinecone and Freelance ML
Camille Girabawe Machine Learning Manager, Adobe
Tory Borsboom-Hanson Data Science Consultant, Fractal Analytics
Kirk Borne Chief Science Officer at DataPrime, Inc.
Kai Tarafdar NLP Engineer, Speechkit
Mir Muntasar Ali Agha Senior Data Engineer, National Bank of Belgium
Guang Yang Senior Applied Scientist, Amazon
Stefan Jenkins Data Engineer, Microsoft
Amedeo Biolatti Data Scientist, SwissRe
Gareth Morinan Chief Scientific Officer, Machine Medicine Technologies
Varun Jain Senior Data Engineer, Publicis Sapient
Pawan Kumar Yerravelly Data Engineer - Capacity Supply Chain and Provisioning, Microsoft India CoE
Manoj Kumar Data Scientist, Boeing

azure key vault vs google cloud key management service: Which Tool is Better for Your Next Project? (5)

azure key vault vs google cloud key management service: Which Tool is Better for Your Next Project? (6)

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azure key vault vs google cloud key management service: Which Tool is Better for Your Next Project? (2024)


Azure key vault vs google cloud key management service: Which Tool is Better for Your Next Project? ›

Google Cloud KMS is highly scalable and can be used to manage millions of keys. Azure Key Vault offers high-performance secret management services with low latency and high throughput. Google Cloud KMS provides high performance with low latency. Azure Key Vault is designed to provide high availability and reliability.

Which is better, GCP or Azure? ›

AWS, Azure, and GCP are well-known hyperscale cloud providers, each with unique strengths. AWS offers global reach and scalability, Azure excels in integration and security, and GCP shines in data management and machine learning.

What is GCP equivalent of Azure key vault? ›

GCP Secret Manager

This service is the counterpart of AWS Secrets Manager and Azure Key Vault in GCP. GCP Secret Manager is used for the centralized storage and retrieval of passwords, API Keys, certificates, and other sensitive information.

What is the equivalent of GCP project in Azure? ›

A Google Cloud project is conceptually similar to the Azure subscription, in terms of billing, quotas, and limits. However, from a functional perspective, a Google Cloud project is more like a resource group in Azure. It's a logical unit that cloud resources are deployed to.

Which cloud is better, Microsoft or Google? ›

Azure excels in enterprise-focused infrastructure and platform services, while Google Cloud prioritizes cloud-native approaches with leadership in containers and serverless. Google Cloud has an edge in advanced machine learning, leveraging TensorFlow. Azure offers AI and Cognitive Services, catering to diverse needs.

Why is Google Cloud better? ›

Put your data to work

Google offers a complete data foundation to unify all workloads and manage the entire data life cycle. The solution is designed to run data anywhere, so you can leverage your data across all clouds, on-premises, and access it in the most popular SaaS apps.

What are the top 3 cloud service providers? ›

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are the big three cloud service providers today.

What is the difference between key management and key vault? ›

Google Cloud KMS is a key management service that enables the management of cryptographic keys used for encrypting data at rest or in transit. Azure Key Vault supports the ingestion of secrets, keys, and certificates from various sources, including Azure resources and external applications.

Should I use Azure key Vault? ›

Key Vault greatly reduces the chances that secrets may be accidentally leaked. When application developers use Key Vault, they no longer need to store security information in their application. Not having to store security information in applications eliminates the need to make this information part of the code.

What is Azure key vault used for? ›

Azure Key Vault is a cloud service that provides a secure store for secrets. You can securely store keys, passwords, certificates, and other secrets. Azure key vaults may be created and managed through the Azure portal. In this quickstart, you create a key vault, then use it to store a secret.

Will Google Cloud overtake Azure? ›

Microsoft Azure Brought in About Half the Revenue of AWS

That compares with AWS' $72 billion during the same time. Google Cloud still hovered in the $6 billion-$7 billion range per quarter, keeping it in third place worldwide behind Microsoft Azure.

What is the difference between GCP BigQuery and Azure? ›

Google BigQuery is “serverless,” which means that compute and storage resources can scale independently and that all scaling issues are handled automatically. While other Azure services can be configured to autoscale, scaling an Azure Synapse Analytics data warehouse requires administrator intervention.

Why is Google Cloud not as popular? ›

One obvious factor is that Google didn't get serious about competing in the cloud market until 2014, eight years after AWS launched, and has had to invest heavily in data centers and hiring staff just to keep pace with AWS and Microsoft's Azure, the No. 2 cloud storage and computing provider by revenue.

Why is Google so much better than Microsoft? ›

While Microsoft 360's structure and features focus extensively on productivity and individual business-task management, Google Workspace places a greater emphasis on simplicity and ease of collaboration.

Which is best cloud AWS or Azure or Google? ›

Core Services: AWS excels in scalability, Azure is for big data solutions, and Google Cloud offers advanced data processing.

Which cloud certification is best? ›

The Top Cloud Certifications for 2024
  1. Google Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer. ...
  2. Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) ...
  3. Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate. ...
  4. AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (CSAA) ...
  5. CompTIA Cloud+

Is GCP certification worth it? ›

Yes valuable if you are able to use the learning practically. Google certification is usually FREE. We at Edu4Sure train people on PPC which is FREE at Google. We charge for our own way of training, using live cases and run PPC for better learning & give our own certificate.

Which is better, GCP or AWS? ›

Security and compliance. Security is paramount in cloud services. AWS and GCP both offer robust cloud security features and compliance with various standards. AWS's access management and security tools are highly mature, while GCP offers innovative security features, especially for hybrid cloud environments.

Which public cloud is best for AI? ›

Top 10 AI Cloud Platforms
  1. Amazon SageMaker. Amazon SageMaker, a fully managed ML service by Amazon Web Services (AWS), is ranked as one of the top AI tools in 2024.
  2. Google AI Cloud Platform. ...
  3. Microsoft Azure AI. ...
  4. Salesforce Einstein Cloud. ...
  5. IBM Watson. ...
  6. Oracle Cloud AI. ...
  7. Alibaba Cloud AI. ...
  8. Huawei Cloud AI. ...
Jul 24, 2024

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.