Armorer Artificer Handbook: DnD 5e Subclass Guide – RPGBOT (2024)


Armorer Artificer is my single favorite subclass in 5e from an optimizationstandpoint. While your damage will never be stellar, it can certainly be goodenough and you make up for it by either being an objectively phenomenalDefender or a strong contender for best skill character and Scout in the game,easily rivaling the Ranger and the Rogue.

Beyond their fantastic scouting ability, the Armorer is also fantasticallycustomizable thanks to the ability to infuse multiples parts of their armorand the free Infusion slots that they’re given to do so. If you enjoy theArtificer’s infusions and want to lean into that mechanic even further, it’shard to go wrong here.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Disclaimer
  • Armorer Subclass Features
  • Armorer Artificer Ability Scores
  • Armorer Artificer Races
    • Lineages
    • Races of Eberron
      • Dragonmarks
    • Races of Ravnica
  • Armorer Artificer Feats
  • Armorer Artificer Weapons
  • Armorer Artificer Armor
  • Armorer Artificer Spellcasting
  • Armorer Artificer Infusions
  • Example Armorer Artificer Build – Vedalken Artificer
    • Abilities
    • Race
    • Skills and Tools
    • Background
    • Feats
    • Levels


RPGBOT uses the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks, which is simple to understand and easy to read at a glance.

  • Red: Bad, useless options, or options whichare extremely situational. Nearly never useful.
  • Orange: OK options, or useful optionsthat only apply in rare circ*mstances. Useful sometimes.
  • Green: Good options. Useful often.
  • Blue: Fantastic options, often essentialto the function of your character. Useful very frequently.

We will not include 3rd-party content, including content from DMs Guild, in handbooks for official content because we can’t assume that your game will allow 3rd-party content or homebrew. We also won’t cover Unearthed Arcana content because it’s not finalized, and we can’t guarantee that it will be available to you in your games.

The advice offered below is based on the current State of the Character Optimization Meta as of when the article was last updated. Keep in mind that the state of the meta periodically changes as new source materials are released, and the article will be updated accordingly as time allows.

Armorer Subclass Features

  • Armorer Spells None of these spells arebad and even the least immediately useful one, Passwall, is stillsituationally helpful. The only problem is that, as an artificer, you can’tactually cast all that many spells and the default attacks with eitherversion of the armor are so good that there’s rarely a point to using thedamage spells.
    • 1st-level Spells Magic Missileironically misses the mark here. Spending one of your limited spells on3d4+3 damage when an attack with your armor is either going to do2d6+int or d8+int and taunt feels incredibly wasted. This only becomesmore evident when you reach level 5 and get extra attack. Thunderwave,on the other hand, is great. While it does target con saves and istherefore more likely to be resisted by monsters, it’s good damage andif they fail can help you get a moment to breathe.
    • 2nd-level Spells Mirror image is oneof the best defensive spells out there, and having access to it assomeone in heavy armor is exciting. Shatter is underwhelming AOE damage,but the Armorer has few other options to handle crowds.
    • 3rd-level Spells Just wow. You get oneof the best AOE control spells and then also the required competitor toFireball. Admittedly using Lightning Bolt is harder because it’s a line,but that also makes it much easier to aim around your friends.
    • 4th-level Spells Another amazinglevel. Greater invisibility is a staple spell and the uses for it areonly limited by your imagination. Fire Shield is great for givingyourself another resistance if you aren’t already resistant to both fireand cold, although the rider effect is a bit wasted as not much shouldbe hitting you all that often at this level due to either your high ACor being removed from melee.
    • 5th-level Spells Passwall at thislevel is generally only useful if no one else has any spell slots leftfor teleport. Wall of Force, on the other hand, is another incredibleSwiss Army knife of a spell. Section off a fight. Trap someone in asphere and walk away. Options abound.
  • Tools of the Trade Picking up free armorproficiencies is always a good thing. Heavy armor in particular is requiredto make one version of the class function and is a lovely side of gravy forthe other. The free smith’s tools proficiency is a nice piece of flavor butis really just there to make the next part possible.
  • Arcane Armor Robert Downey Jr has nothingon you. You now wear your focus, use full plate with strength 8 and nodrawbacks, and can take it off as an action to sleep. Everything about thisis mouthwatering.
  • Armor Model Oh no wait it gets better.What would you like your subsubclass to be? Guardian gets the onlyunlimited “tanking” mechanic in the game and the capacity to self-generatetemp hp to help offset the d8 hit die, whie Infiltrator means that you cantake that full plate and walk around in it, quiet as a church mouse. A veryfast church mouse. That shoots lightning. It is worth noting that you canchange which model you have as part of a short or long rest, but if you’reoptimizing, you’re still going to have a primary role that you expect to bein.
  • Extra attack Very boring, but still verygood
  • Armor Modifications One of the hardestparts of playing artificer is figuring out where to spend your infusions.Because they can be given to friends, there can be a legitimate expectationthat you don’t keep all of them yourself, particularly if you’re in alow-magic setting where magic items are harder to come by. This gives youtwo free ones that can only apply to you, thus helping to alleviate part ofthe strain. Also, creating extra slots on you means you can have some of thebest options while continuing to wear your suit.
  • PerfectedArmor The guardian version of this is goodbut competes for your reaction with the other amazing Artificer abilityFlash of Genius and, considering that your job is protecting people, onlyusing your reaction to pull something and punch it when you could be givingthem a massive bonus on, for instance, a save vs finger of death isinevitably going to lead to some moment where you tear your hair out becauseyou already used your reaction. The Infiltrator version is phenomenal. Ifyour first attack hits the benefits apply to the second attack so you’realways going to want to save your extra d6 for the second roll as theadvantage makes it more likely to crit and multiply the bonus die.

Armorer Artificer Ability Scores

Like any other caster class, your primary stat for Armorer Artificers will bethat which controls your spells. Max Int first, and your second highest shouldbe dictated by what your primary role is going to be.

Str: You can’t afford to have high abilityscores in four abilities, and Strength simply isn’t useful enough.

Dex: Guardian primaries won’t need any.Infiltrator primaries will take this after int to help with stealth andsleight of hand, as well as filling out the breastplate cap.

Con:Guardian primaries will bump this after int. Infiltrator primaries still wantsome but having proficiency on con saves helps enormously with maintainingconcentration and you shouldn’t need all the hit points your tank cousindoes.

Int: You are powered by Int.

Wis: Dump.

Cha: Dump

Point BuyStandard Array
Dex14 (15)14 (13)
Con15 (14)13 (14)

Armorer Artificer Races

Ability scores are crucial for the Armorer Artificer, but also easy toachieve. Look for some combination of Intelligence and either Dexterity andConstitution in most cases. Beyond that, innate spellcasting or things thatimprove your durability for Guardian primaries or your proficiency/skills forInfiltrator primaries are great options.

The list of races and subraces below is intentionally reduced to thoseoptions which I think make an effective Armorer Artificer or which offertraits which are illustrative of what you should look for in other races, andit does not address the Customizing Your Origin optional rules. These are byno means the only viable options (especially with the optional rules inplace), and I encourage you to explore other options not listed below. Forfull race coverage (including discussion of options which work well for theArmorer), please see our fullArtificer Handook‘s Races section, which includes the full range of available races.

Dwarf: While not allowed at every table, Iwill plug the utility of a Mountain dwarf having a staggering 7 racialproficiencies which can all be turned into tool proficiencies if you’recustomizing your origin as per the optional rules. This makes the Fabricatespell you will learn later on very powerful as you can craft really anythingyou like with the right raw materials.

ElfPHBDexterity is helpful for Infiltrator mains, and Perception is always nice.Guardian mains should likely choose races with Constitution instead.

  • HighPHB: The stats are good and an additional cantrip is excellent since theArtificer starts with so few, but the weapon proficiencies are largelyuseless. If you’re using a weapon other than your armor something’s gonehorribly wrong.

Genasi: Only one is worth looking at.

  • Fire GenasiEEPC: Good stats for a Guardian primary, but there are still better options.The innate spellcasting is Constitution-based, so it won’t keep up with yourclass spellcasting.

GithzeraiMotM: Shield as an innate spell thatyou can re-cast using spell slots.

GnomePHB: Intelligence is the biggest priority, and gnomes have plenty of it.

  • Deep GnomePHB: Deep gnomes have the perfect ability spread for Infiltrators and someamazing side benefits.
  • FForest GnomePHB: Stats are still great for Infiltrator mains, but you can get betterperks.
  • Rock GnomePHB: Strong contender for the best race for Guardian mains outside ofCustomizing your Origin. Great stats and a very thematic set of extras.

HobgoblinsVGtM: A reasonable choice for Guardian primaries thanks to their spread andletting you get a bonus to a crucial attack to apply your debuff.

HumanPHB: Versatile andfantastic at everything.

  • Variant You still get a crucial bonus toyour Intelligence, and you can get an awesome feat at level 1.

Tiefling, FeralSCAG: The stats are decent for Infiltrator mains and fire resistance is alwaysappreciated. Winged won’t work for Guardian primaries since you’ll be wearingheavy armor, but it’s great of Iniltrator primaries. The innate spellcastingbeing charisma-based means that it’s much less attractive than it could be.


All lineages are inherently strong with Armorer Artificer because they letyou choose your ability spread regardless of other optional rules being used.If you take a lineage on top of an existing race, you can keep many of thebenefits of the original race such as proficiencies and languages.

  • DhampirVRtR: A fantastic selection for Guardian primaries as you’ll be focusing Consecondary anyway and Spider Climb is nearly as good as flight for manypurposes.
  • HexbloodVRtR: Giving your Eerie Token to your Homunculus is a great way to make it aneven better familiar, and Hex Magic is decently helpful.
  • RebornVRtR: While the benefits aren’t flashy, they’re really good. You’revery durable thanks to Deathless Nature and Knowledge from a Past Life willhelp you succeed on those critical lockpicking/door-inspection checks.

Setting-specific races are addressed below. Not every setting allows everyrace, and, while most races presented in the core rules and in content for theForgotten Realms can be used in other settings, races specific to settingslike Ravnica aren’t typically allowed in other settings. Talk to your DM aboutwhat races are allowed in your game.

Races of Eberron

WarforgedERLWThe flexible ability increase goes into Intelligence, and the Warforged’sother traits will make you a quite durable Guardian primary. As an addedbonus, you can be the watch rotation at night all by yourself for optimalparty protection.


While the design intent for Dragonmarks was that they would offer some innate spellcasting for everyone, every dragonmark includes an expanded spell list which is arguably a more significant benefit than most of the provided racial traits. Because the expanded spell options are such an important part of the dragonmarks, if you’re not playing a spellcaster you’re giving up a huge part of your racial traits, which makes it exceptionally difficult to justify playing a dragonmark character who can’t cast spells.

Dragonmarks are uniquely helpful for the Artificer. Any amount of extraspellcasting can significantly improve your capabilities since your spellslots are so limited.

Dragonmarked DwarfERLWDragonmark traits replace your subrace.

  • Mark of Warding Ok spread and onlypassable free spells, but the additional spell list is pretty good andadding a d4 to checks Infiltrator primaries plan on making fairly often isgreat.

Dragonmarked ElfERLWDragonmark traits replace your subrace.

  • Mark of Shadow Tempting spells for anInfiltrator primary, but the bad spread means we should look elsewhere.

Dragonmarked GnomeERLWDragonmark traits replace your subrace.

  • Mark of Scribing Better than Mark ofShadow because at least you still get +2 int, but still not a greatchoice.

Dragonmarked HumanERLWDragonmark traits replace ALL of your racial traits.

  • Mark of Making Perfect ability increasesand some wonderfully thematic extras. While there’s certainly some overlapin spells, mending for free is fantastic and worth not expanding youroptions by all that much.
  • Mark of Passage A good enough spread forInfiltrator primaries and a good selection of new spells.
  • Mark of Sentinel Guardian primaries willenjoy the stat spread and many of the additional benefits.

Races of Ravnica

Simic HybridGGTR : Theconstitution increase is helpful for Guardian primaries. Animal Enhancementoffers several excellent options as you gain levels, and saves you the troubleof getting those effects from your limited number of spell slots.

VedalkenGGTR :Incredibly satisfying for Infiltrator primaries. Advantage on Wisdom saveshelps protect your weakest common save and Tireless Precision is the best wayto take your already incredible thieves tools checks and drive them throughthe roof.

Armorer Artificer Feats

OurArtificer Handbookdetails advice for artificer feats in general, but a selection of feats whichmany Armorers enjoy are presented below.

  • Dual Wielder: Thunder gauntlets eachcount as a weapon, but you can’t use them with TWF because they lack theLight property. Duel Wielder removes that need, allowing you to make anextra attack with your thunder gauntlets.
  • Fey Touched: Everyone likes teleportationand getting access to it and some for free is very helpful. Plus grabbing anextra 1st level spell is a great way to round out whatever you may bemissing.
  • Mobile: A reasonable choice for Guardianprimaries after you’ve capped int. This would help you apply your gauntletdebuff to multiple enemies in one turn or to Booming Blade someone beforewalking away, but since your AC is going to be astronomical you don’t somuch mind the attack of opportunity you take to walk out of reach and ifyou’re taking the dash action you’re not protecting your allies. Mobile isalso somewhat redundant with Boots of the Winding Path because you can usethem to perform similar hit-and-run tactics, though Boots of the WindingPath eat your Bonus Action which should typically be reserved for yourhomunculus, and they also don’t help if you start in melee.
  • Sentinel Guardian primaries will enjoy thebenefits of this feat in terms of making sure foes stay near them.
  • Shadow Touched: Invisibility isn’t asgood as Misty Step but it’s still very good and a lovely stop gap until youget Greater at high levels.
  • Skill Expert: A fantastic choice forInfiltrator primaries, use it to go from no stealth proficiency to expertiseimmediately.
  • Skulker: A passable choice forinfiltrator primaries once you’ve maxed Int, particularly if you aren’ttaking a homunculus to help with perception checks.
  • Telekinetic: Wow, what a good feat. Addingrange to Mage Hand is one of the coolest things I’ve seen on a feat, and theamazing bonus action means that you functionally have a high chance of bonusaction disengage against single targets, and that’s just one of the uses forit. You can also Booming Blade your target and then push it away from you soit has to take the damage if it even wants to strike back.
  • Telepathic: If you really need to besilent, this can be helpful. But all the limitations on this telepathy makeit underwhelming when compared to the telekinesis listed right above it.
  • Warcaster: Less useful than on mostcasters, but still very good for Guardian primaries wanting to Booming Bladeanything that tries to walk past them.

Armorer Artificer Weapons

The only reason you need a weapon is to last you until you can wear armor,and then perhaps a melee weapon if you’re an Infiltrator primary and notconfident enough in your AC to walk away from things before you lightningthem. Guardian primaries should be using cantrips for ranged attacks. Walk outat level 1 with whatever default weapons your background etc. give you andmostly survive on cantrips until you’re level 3.

Armorer Artificer Armor

  • Chain Shirt Your starting armor as anInfiltrator primary
  • Scale Mail Your starting armor as aguardian primary. Comes free with the class.
  • Breastplate Your permanent armor as anInfiltrator primary. Half-plate provides more AC, but it also imposesDisadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, which negates a major advantagefrom Infiltrator armor.
  • Full Plate Your permanent armor as aGuardian Primary.
  • Shield Always have a shield. You willeither need one or no hands to use your suit weapon and casting is done viathe focus you’re wearing (remember that the Artificer can use any one oftheir Infusions as a focus).

Armorer Artificer Spellcasting

There’s nothing really substantially different for Armorer Artificers. Thesame spells are still good for all the same reasons.

Armorer Artificer Infusions

Guardian primaries will want more defensive infusions while Infiltratorprimaries will likely focus more on infusions that replicate magic items,although there’s some that are always good.

  • Homunculus Homunculus is great for bothflavors of armorer, and the absolute first thing you should pick as anInfiltrator primary. They have expertise in perception, which means that youcan just use your action to aid their perception whenever you need to useyour eyes for something instead of investigating with your tools. Plusthey’re one of the few ways of getting bonus action attacks, and it’s forcedamage to boot. If I had a color past blue I’d use it for this.
  • Replicate Magic Item (Goggles of Night)Either needed for Darkvision if your origin doesn’t provide it or adds morerange if it does. Strictly a requirement for Infiltrator primaries and stilla good idea for Guardian primaries.
  • Replicate Magic Item (Rope of Climbing) Ifyou can’t fly or spider climb, this is the next best thing.
  • Replicate Magic Item (Gloves of Thievery)If you’re an Infiltrator primary and you expect to be anywhere near a lock,this is a nice bonus. By the time you can get it though you’ll be gettingexpertise picking locks so it’s a little overkill.
  • Replicate Magic Item (Winged Boots) Can’tfly yet? Problem solved.
  • Replicate Magic Item (Cloak of Protection)One of the most boring mathematically fantastic items in existence.
  • Replicate Magic Item (Bag of Holding)You’re not strong so, if there’s no one else strong around to carry all yourloot, this is a good way to haul it.

Example Armorer Artificer Build – Vedalken Artificer

Twenty years learning to make, twenty years learning to hide, and twentyyears learning to find. Now I’m ready to begin my search for new knowledge,confident that I will find it behind any lock or guard, no matter what nookor cranny it’s found to hide.


We will assume the point buy abilities suggested above. Customizing ourorigin lets us shift that point of Wisdom to Dexterity for the final totalsbelow.



Vedalken. Take Thieves’ tools and Stealth For Tireless Precision.

Skills and Tools

Take Arcana, Medicine, and whatever tool proficiencies you like. You’ll getsmiths’ for free soon and if you want to optimize for Fabricate I’d suggestwoodworker’s tools and Leatherworker’s tools so you can fabricate armor lateron, as well as whatever you want out of the incredibly abundant wood presentin many settings.


Take Cloistered Scholar for History and either Nature or Religion dependingon what flavor of divine caster your party has.


We’ll start at 17 Intelligence, so the level 4 feat can be a half-feat likeTelekinesis or Skill Expert, then level 8 gets us to 20 and we can startbranching out.


LevelFeat(s) and FeaturesNotes and Tactics
1Magical Tinkering
Spells Prepared:
–Detect Magic
– Cure Wounds
– Tasha’s Caustic Brew
– Mending
For your starting equipment, take the money instead and buy a chainshirt and a shield. The only weapon you could use is a dagger and thatwill do less average damage than firebolt. Just keep your thieves’tools in one hand and your shield in the other. Feel free to draw thedagger if something closes to melee and you don’t want to walkaway.

Take detect magic because it can be ritual cast andyou want to know what sweet loot you may have found under that falsebottom in the chest or behind that locked door. Tasha’s caustic brewwill train you for how to find lines of enemies for when you getlightning bolt later. Plus it’s another damage type.

Atthis level, you’ve got two spell slots so each one better beincredibly impactful. If your party is light on healing, saving cureWounds for when someone drops unconscious is how many groups survivelow levels. If you can afford to be a little more extravagant, try toline up 3 or more enemies for a Tasha’s Caustic Brew, particularly ifyou know you’re going to rest soon.

A keen observer willnotice that we have not picked up proficiency in Investigation orSleight of Hand. We never will, because a creative player will be ableto use their thieves’ tools for nearly all checks that matter foreither of those skills and will get their Tireless pursuit bonus (andeventually expertise) that way. Think about the components and how youwould use them to check for secret doors, hidden compartments,pressure plates. Maybe it’s shims prodded around the edges of stones,mirrors getting you a better view of the insides or tops of things,etc. This is critical to the build.

– Homunculus
– Magic Item (Goggles ofNight)
– Enhanced Weapon
– Magic Item (Bag of Holding)
NewSpell Prepared:
– Identify
Homunculus is a godsend. You now have a permanent partner to give youthe Help action for Investigation checks and who can use Perceptionfor you while you use the Help action to give them advantage.Goggles of Night means that you have the same Darkvision as yourhomunculus so you can now Help them see while stealthing around in thedark. Your help will cancel the Disadvantage frm darkness and leavethem rolling straight with Expertise. It will also help you spend aBonus Action every round you’re not doing something else with it.1d4+proficiency force damage isn’t much, but it’s better thannothing.

Note that your homunculus can deliver touch spellsfor you, so a turn might look like “I ready an action to cast CureWounds when my homunculus is touching [target]” Then command it to flythere (possibly including dash) then use your reaction to cast then ituses its reaction to channel the spell for you.

You stilldon’t have extra spell slots so let’s take another ritual. Now you candiscover the properties of all that sweet magical loot you found.

3The Right Tool for the Job
Tools of the Trade
Arcane Armor
Armor Model
Retrain Cantrips:
FireBolt -> Guidance
Level 3 is every gift-giving holiday rolled into one. We technicallyhave no decision points at this level but we’re becoming the party’srogue-equivalent (also wizard and backup healer) so we’re going to bemaking our chain shirt (unless you’ve been able to acquire abreastplate by now, then do that) into Infiltrator armor. 1d6+3actually is a better average than Firebolt’s 1d10 (avg. of 6.5 vs.5.5) so we switch to the gem embedded in our chest which magicallyshoots lightning without requiring us to hold anything.Guidance isprobably the mechanically best cantrip outside of combat, and weimmediately start using it to make ourselves better at every skilledaction we take when we’re not pressed for time.You now have Advantageon all stealth rolls and 2d4 on top. We’re getting there.
4Feat: Skill Expert (Int 17 -> 18)
New Spells Prepared:
– Anything
Alarm is the final first level ritual you’re going to use until youget better slots soon. The last choice doesn’t matter so much for thislevel.For Skill Expert we choose +1 Int, gain proficiency in whicheverof Nature or Religion you didn’t choose at level 1, and gain expertisein Stealth. Your Stealth bonus now progresses faster than nearlyanything, with Advantage, and an extra 2d4. Closer, but we can dobetter later.
5Extra Attack 2nd-level spell slotsChest lightning gets a huge upgrade. Remember that the extra d6 onlyapplies once per attack, but it can apply to either attack and youdon’t have to choose before you roll. As long as either attack hits,that’s 2d6+4, equaling a great sword. Drop the 4th-level preparedspells immediately for See Invisibility and Heat Metal. It’s absurdlypowerful against enemies with metal equipment and doesn’t allow asave, even targeting worn or carried items.
6Tool Expertise
New Infusions Known
– Magic Item (Gloves ofThievery)
– Spell Refueling RingNew Spell Prepared:
Expertise on all your lock-picking and door/floor/dinosaurinvestigation. You’re generally going to want to infuse the ring but,if you know the day may involve lock-picking, put on the gloves and goto town. As far as spells go you really have all the tools you need atthis point and can choose whatever seems to fit the day. LesserRestoration, Invisibility and Darkvision are all decent options,particularly if you want to stop infusing your Goggles of Night andtrade them for a spell slot.
7Flash of GeniusWow, what an incredible ability. Since it isn’t specific about thetype of saving throw, it can be applied to death saving throws if needbe, but you’re better off using it to prevent people dying in thefirst place. Or if you’re having a social encounter kind of day, justthrow a +4 onto someone’s Persuasion.
8Ability Score Increase: Int 18 -> 20One of the few dead levels, but maxing Int has to happen and now’sthe time.
9Armor Modifications
3rd-level spell slots
New SpellsPrepared:
– Protection from Energy
– Dispel Magic
You should now be running Enhanced Weapon on yourself at all times,and also looking at level 10 with longing.
10Magic Item Adept
New Infusions:
– Magic Item (Winged Boots)– Helm of Awareness
Retrain Infusion:
– Magic Item (Gogglesof Night) -> Resistant Armor
New Cantrip:
– Firebolt/Ray ofFrost
Let’s take full advantage of our new things. You can infuse all 4pieces of your armor now (Helm of awareness, winged boots, enhancedweapon, and Resistant armor). Our other new feature gives us the 4thattunement slot to keep wearing our spell ring, once again trading outfor gloves on a given day as needed. We would like a second damagetype back in case something is resistant or immune to lightning whichwe’ll be encountering more at higher levels so we bring back Firebolt,unless your campaign expects fire damage to also be ineffective. Inthat case, Ray of Frost will do just fine.
11Spell-Storing ItemDoes your primary Defender use Shield Master? Give them 10 hours ofenhance ability per day. Party short on healing? 10 extra Cure Wounds.Going spelunking? Pass the Darkvision wand. Give someone an orb ofSpider Climb. There are many good options here, and you can chooseagain every day.
12Feat: Fey TouchedTake a +1 to Wisdom which we’ll continue increasing later and pick upHunter’s Mark for your free Divination spell. 1-2 3rd level slots willmake it last all day. Hunter’s Mark is a fire-and-forget spell whichadds a good chunk to our damage. It’s a bonus action to cast orreapply and the wording doesn’t require you to transfer it immediatelyon the target’s death unlike some other effects, so you can just keepconcentrating on it between fights and reapply as needed. You’reproficient in Con saves and have a decent score to boot so youshouldn’t have much trouble keeping it going the full duration. If youfeel like you’re doing fine on damage, take Silvery Barbs instead.
134th-level Spell SlotsPrepare Fabricate. Buy 50 pounds of steel for ~35gp. Spend 10 minutescasting Fabricate to turn it into a suit of full plate. Sell for 750gp. Spend as many days making a 2000% profit as you like. Use it tofinance level 14.
14Magic Item Savant
New Infusions
– Gem of Seeing
New Cantrip:
– Mage Hand
This is what you’ve been waiting through 13 levels for. Beg, borrow,steal, bribe the DM, do whatever you have to to buy two magic items. ANature’s Mantle should be relatively easy to come by at just uncommonand by now your stealth roll is d20+13+2d4 (Tireless precision andGuidance) with Advantage. Hide as a Bonus Action while lightlyobscured like if you happened to also have an Eversmoking Bottle (thisis optional and not the second magic item). The second item is Rare,making it notably harder to come by. But if you can get a Staff of theWoodlands you are going to be in phenomenal shape. Unless you havesomething better to do, you are now concentrating on Pass WithoutTrace at all times. I lied about your stealth earlier. It’s d20+23+2d4which averages to nearly 40. Having Invisibility as a spell is merelya formality. Also, awaken trees while you’re at it because you can.You will unfortunately have to give up being attuned to the resistantarmor to get both of those, but someone else might enjoy it. Mage Handis a wonderful spell that has many uses. It’ll get even better in twolevels.
15Perfected ArmorA free, fantastic upgrade to your attacks. I explained above why thislevel is so good for Infiltrator armor and I stick by it.
16Feat: TelekineticUpgrade Mage Hand, it’s now just as invisible as you are, and takethe additional point of wisdom to bring yourself up to a final totalof 12. You already had a good way to use your Bonus Action every roundasking your homunculus for damage or help, but now you have anothergreat option.
175th-Level Spell slotsNone of the Artificer’s 5th level spells are particularly worthpreparing all the time, but having the slots for upcasting is verynice.
18Magic Item Master
New infusions:
– Any two
By this point you have many options to choose from that’ll get you to6 attuned. You should make sure you always are.
19Ability Score Improvement (Dex)Nothing notable here, but you’re even stealthier and better atpicking locks than you were before.
20Soul of ArtificeNow that’s how you do a capstone. Enjoy having a functionallypermanent +6 to all saves (including death saves).
Armorer Artificer Handbook: DnD 5e Subclass Guide – RPGBOT (2024)
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Article information

Author: Kelle Weber

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Views: 5887

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.