A Technical Guide to IPFS – the Decentralized Storage of Web3 (2024)

/ #Blockchain
A Technical Guide to IPFS – the Decentralized Storage of Web3 (1)
Lukas Lukac
A Technical Guide to IPFS – the Decentralized Storage of Web3 (2)

When you think about developing a decentralized application, a blockchain like Ethereum probably comes to mind.

Blockchain is fantastic for managing state, automating processes via Smart Contracts, and exchanging economic value.

You can follow this tutorial to learn blockchain by building one from scratch yourself if you want to learn more.

But where do you store your application's content? Images? Videos? The application's website front-end composed of all the HTML, CSS, and JS files? Are your application and your users' content loaded from a centralized AWS server?

Storing the content on the blockchain would be expensive and inefficient.

Your blockchain application needs decentralized storage!

In this tutorial, I will introduce you to the InterPlanetary File System, or IPFS. You will learn:

  1. How to store and retrieve content from a decentralized storage
  2. How to run your IPFS node
  3. All about the low-level internals of the IPFS protocol
  4. And we'll read a Wikipedia website stored on IPFS

Ready? Let's go.

Table of Contents

  • What is the IPFS?
  • How to setup an IPFS node
  • How to store and retrieve IPFS content using the CLI and HTTP
  • What is CID – the IPFS content-based identifier
  • How to reverse engineer the IPFS datastore
  • How to connect an IPFS node to a decentralized network
  • How to exchange data using the peer-to-peer Bitswap protocol
  • How to persist content from the peer-to-peer network

What is the IPFS?

The InterPlanetary File System, or IPFS for short, is a peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol designed to make the web faster, safer, and more open.

IPFS is a protocol for storing and sharing content. As in the blockchain world, every user is running its node (server). The nodes can communicate between each other and exchange files.

What is unique about IPFS?

First of all, the IPFS is decentralized because it loads the content from thousands of peers instead of one centralized server. Every piece of data is cryptographically hashed, resulting in a safe, unique content identifier: CID.

Store your website in IPFS to avoid censorship and a single point of failure. Your personal IPFS node goes offline? Don't worry, the website will still load from other nodes across the globe serving it.

For example, suppose your government bans Wikipedia. In that case, you can still access a decentralized version of Wikipedia indexed on April 17th by loading it from the IPFS peer-to-peer network persisted under CID:


Second, the integrity of IPFS content can be cryptographically verified.

And finally, the IPFS content is de-duplicated. If you tried storing two identical 1MB files in the same IPFS node, they would be stored only once, eliminating the duplication, because their hash would produce an identical CID.

How to Setup an IPFS Node

Install IPFS

Open the official IPFS docs installation page and follow the instructions depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). I will be documenting the Ubuntu installation process below.


Using IPFS through the command-line allows you to do everything that IPFS Desktop can do, but at a more granular level since you can specify which commands to run. Learn how to install it here.

A Technical Guide to IPFS – the Decentralized Storage of Web3 (3)IPFS Docs

A Technical Guide to IPFS – the Decentralized Storage of Web3 (4)

I prefer compiling the ipfs/go-ipfs repository from scratch to debug the code when needed, and let's be honest: GoLang rocks.

Compile the codebase in Go

Clone the repository and run the install script in the Makefile.

git clone https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs.gitcd go-ipfsgit checkout v0.8.0-rc2make install

Or download pre-compiled IPFS:

sudo snap install ipfs

Validate the installation

Let's be honest. Go is amazing and compiling the codebase yourself is bad-ass and decentralized. The resulted binary will be created in your $GOPATH.

which ipfs> /home/web3coach/go/bin/ipfsipfs version> ipfs version 0.8.0-rc2

Initialize a new node

Run ipfs init to create your new node. By default, it will create a folder and store all the data in ~/.ipfs You can tweak this by configuring the IPFS_PATH ENV variable.

IPFS_PATH=/home/web3coach/.ipfs_tutorial ipfs init> generating ED25519 keypair...done> peer identity: 12D3Koo...dNs> initializing IPFS node at /home/web3coach/.ipfs_tutorial

Your node is now fully initialized, awaiting your content.

How to Use IPFS

Add content

IPFS can handle all kinds of different data types – from simple strings to images, videos, and websites.

Start by storing a short message hello IPFS world by Web3Coach:

echo "hello IPFS world by Web3Coach. BTW: Ethereum FTW" | ipfs add

The content is now stored and indexed by a cryptographic hash function returning its unique content identifier (CID):

> added QmRBkKi1PnthqaBaiZnXML6fH6PNqCFdpcBxGYXoUQfp6z> 49 B / 49 B [========] 100%

Your IPFS node will generate the same CID on your local file system as in this tutorial. That's because IPFS hashes the content and returns its unique fingerprint, and as we know, a secure hash function will always return the same output given the same input.

Pin content

When you add content, you add it ONLY to your local node. The content does NOT automatically replicate across the entire network – this is a common confusion between IPFS users and developers.

When you store content via the add command, IPFS will also execute the pin command by default:

ipfs pin add QmRBkKi1PnthqaBaiZnXML6fH6PNqCFdpcBxGYXoUQfp6z

To replicate content, you must take your node online, join the p2p network, and pin the specific CID from another node. You will learn how to do this further in the tutorial and find out what happens in the background.

Read content

Copy-paste the CID to IPFS cat command to read it from disk:

ipfs cat QmRBkKi1PnthqaBaiZnXML6fH6PNqCFdpcBxGYXoUQfp6z> hello IPFS world by Web3Coach. BTW: Ethereum FTW

The add , pin and cat commands are the most significant IPFS functions, and you just learned them. Congrats, well done!

How IPFS Content Addressing Works

What is QmRBkKi1PnthqaBaiZnXML6fH6PNqCFdpcBxGYXoUQfp6z?

It’s a self-describing content-based identifier.

What does "self-describing" actually mean? It means that by splitting the string following the IPFS specification, you will know everything you need to know about the data it indexes.

  • what CID version it is
  • how to read the CID string (base32? base58? hex?)
  • how data is encoded
  • what hash function fingerprinted the data
  • the hash function's length

The IPFS team built a convenient website for analyzing a CID:

A Technical Guide to IPFS – the Decentralized Storage of Web3 (5)

By parsing the QmRBkKi1P…p6z CID, you discover:

  • the CID follows version 0 spec because it starts with Qm
  • the QmRBkKi1P…p6z string is encoded using base58btc
  • the data "hello IPFS world by Web3Coach. BTW: Ethereum FTW" were encoded as DAG Protobuf under a codec 0x70 before being stored on disk
  • the hash code 0x12 signals the data fingerprint obtained using the sha256 hash function, producing a unique 32 byte long digest

"Slightly more complicated" than a simple auto-increment INT in a MySQL table... but extraordinarily potent and future proof. Let me explain.

CID Versions

There are currently two CID versions: v0 and v1.

The CID v0 is not flexible and limited to:

  • start with characters "Qm"
  • where the CID string is encoded using base58btc
  • the data is encoded with dag-pb by default
  • can be converted to CID version 1, but not the other way around

The CID v1 leverages several prefixes for maximum interoperability:

CID v1 = Multibase + Multicodec + Multihash

In another words, parsing the binary into a CID v1 string follows this spec:



To be future-proof and enable different hashing algorithms, IPFS created the following standard:


type DecodedMultihash struct { Code uint64 // 0x12 Name string // sha2-256 Length int // 32 bytes Digest []byte // Digest holds the raw multihash bytes}

Multihash has many advantages. When computers are more powerful in 5 years, you could use a stronger hash function like sha3-512 as long as you configure the corresponding 0x13 code as the Multihash in the CID prefix – the protocol will be ready to handle it.


The Code attribute tells you how data is encoded before being stored on disk, so you know how to decode it back when the user wants to read it. It could be anything CBOR, Protobuf, JSON…

IPFS maintains a public list of all possible codecs. The most common codecs are:

raw | ipld | 0x55 | raw binarydag-pb | ipld | 0x70 | MerkleDAG protobufdag-cbor | ipld | 0x71 | MerkleDAG cbor// but you could also encode Ethereum blocks on IPFS!eth-block | ipld | 0x90 | Ethereum Block (RLP)


The problem with CID v0 and the base58btc encoding is the lack of interoperability between environments. A multibase prefix adds support for different encodings like base32 to achieve DNS-friendly names.

A table with all Multibase encodings:

encoding | codebase32 | bbase58btc | zbase64 | m

You spot a Multibase encoding based on the first character:


  • is CID v0
  • the CID string is encoded with base58btc


  • CID v1
  • the CID string is encoded with base32

Both CID versions can retrieve the same content because after you strip the encoding, it's the Multihash that indexes the blocks on the datastore level. In contrast, Multibase is only used to pass the CID correctly in different environments (CLI, URL, DNS).

ipfs cat QmRBkKi1PnthqaBaiZnXML6fH6PNqCFdpcBxGYXoUQfp6z> hello IPFS world by Web3Coach. BTW: Ethereum FTW// equivalent toipfs cat bafybeibkjmxftowv4lki46nad4arescoqc7kdzfnjkqux257i4jonk44w4> hello IPFS world by Web3Coach. BTW: Ethereum FTW

Phew. Things got "slightly complex" very quickly.

Speaking of complicated topics, IPFS is powerful because it doesn't treat content as just "data" but as data structures specifically InterPlanetary Linked Data structure: IPLD. In short, you can implement any file-system, database, or structure on top of IPLD.

For example, you can store all Ethereum blocks on IPFS as long as you set eth-block and eth-tx codecs and register an appropriate Decoder when working with the IPLD graph.

Let's dig into it and explore the default IPLD structure with the DAG Protobuf codec.

How IPFS Stores Content on the File-system

“The ipfs add command will create a Merkle DAG out of the data following the UnixFS data format. Your content is broken down into blocks using a Chunker, and then arranged in a tree-like structure using 'link nodes' to tie them together. The returned CID is the hash of the root node in the DAG.”


Rolling back to basics.

Let's explore the node’s data directory

At the beginning of this tutorial, when you initialized your IPFS node with the ipfs init command, you generated the following directory:

export IPFS_PATH=/home/web3coach/.ipfs_tutorialcd $IPFS_PATH~/.ipfs_tutorial tree.├── blocks│ ├── 6Y│ │ └── CIQA4XCGRCRTCCHV7XSGAZPZJOAOHLPOI6IQR3H6YQ.data├── config├── datastore│ ├── 000002.ldb│ ├── 000003.log│ ├── CURRENT│ ├── CURRENT.bak│ ├── LOCK│ ├── LOG│ └── MANIFEST-000004├── datastore_spec├── keystore└── version

From a very high-level point of view:

  • blocks — IPFS stores all the chunked data here, although the go-ipfs flexible interfaces allow you to swap the storage implementation for a different database
  • config — Node’s settings (file-system, identity, specs, networking)
  • datastore — Indexing and other logic

Don't take my word for it. Create a new file with the following content on your local file system and then add it to IPFS:

hello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGshello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGshello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGsls -la hello_world.txt> 131 bytes hello_world.txtipfs add hello_world.txt> added QmNtQtxeavDXTjCiWAAaxnhKK3LBYfFfpXUXjdMDYXwKtH

Reverse engineering the go-ipfs codebase, this is what is happening behind the scenes:

A Technical Guide to IPFS – the Decentralized Storage of Web3 (6)

Validate the persistence process by inspecting the blocks directory. You will find the content was written under the Multihash Datastore Key using DAG Protobuf encoding (131 bytes + Protobuf extra encoding).

ls -la blocks/PV/> 142 CIQAQIXXW2OAQSKZ6AQ2SDEYRZXWPDZNJUAFR3YORYN75I5CQ3LHPVQ.datavim blocks/PV/CIQA...<8b>^A^H^B^R<83>^Ahello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGshello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGshello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGs^X<83>^A

To interact with your raw content, use the ipfs object command.

ipfs object get QmNtQtxeavDXTjCiWAAaxnhKK3LBYfFfpXUXjdMDYXwKtH | jq
{ "Links": [], "Data": "\b\u0002\u0012�\u0001hello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGs\nhello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGs\nhello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGs\u0018�\u0001"}
  • Because the content is only 131 bytes, it fits to one DAG Node
  • The Dag Node is persisted as one Block on disk
  • The DAG Node has zero links to other Nodes

Time to experiment.

Add the same file again, but configure the Chunker to 64 bytes (or use a bigger file, but a smaller Chunker will demonstrate the concept better).

ipfs add --chunker=size-64 hello_world.txt> 131 bytes QmTwtTQgrTaait2qWXYjTsEZiF4sT7CD4U87VqQ27Wnsn8

You get a new CID!

IPFS split the content into 4 DAG Nodes and wrote 4 Blocks with data encoded in DAG Protobuf format to disk.

A Technical Guide to IPFS – the Decentralized Storage of Web3 (7)
ipfs object get QmTwtTQgrTaait2qWXYjTsEZiF4sT7CD4U87VqQ27Wnsn8 | jq
{ "Links": [ { "Name": "", "Hash": "QmTbsuUYzy3nT6NApb5t7VUq3iQKZXrJJJY2j1miMVgaJU", "Size": 72 }, { "Name": "", "Hash": "QmNy9iFF8uU1Cn7trxpSgqxMsjmi4zQ7xgyEgsWff5rnfH", "Size": 72 }, { "Name": "", "Hash": "QmdEitCfYgBNxLhxTNvdLaDmTypSAWkGErjw33VZxUbWK3", "Size": 11 } ], "Data": "\b\u0002\u0018�\u0001 @ @ \u0003"}

The ultimate test is to retrieve each DAG Node's data and verify the text is split into three chunks:

DAG Protobuf Node 1:

ipfs object get QmTbsuUYzy3nT6NApb5t7VUq3iQKZXrJJJY2j1miMVgaJU | jq
{ "Links": [], "Data": "\b\u0002\u0012@hello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGs\nhello IPFS world by \u0018@"}

DAG Protobuf Node 2:

ipfs object get QmNy9iFF8uU1Cn7trxpSgqxMsjmi4zQ7xgyEgsWff5rnfH | jq
{ "Links": [], "Data": "\b\u0002\u0012@Web3Coach. Testing DAGs\nhello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing D\u0018@"}

DAG Protobuf Node 3:

ipfs object get QmdEitCfYgBNxLhxTNvdLaDmTypSAWkGErjw33VZxUbWK3 | jq
{ "Links": [], "Data": "\b\u0002\u0012\u0003AGs\u0018\u0003"}

What’s the benefit of splitting the content into multiple chunks and use content-addressing and CIDs?

  • Data deduplication
  • Decentralization

Next time you want to store a file that would share part of the content with another file, IPFS wouldn't store a duplicate block! It would instead link to an already existing DAG Node and only store the new, unique chunks.

Converting content to a directed acyclic graph with many nodes also helps to load the content in parallel. For example, a blog post, image, entire Wikipedia website can load from multiple IPFS peer nodes. Your node then verifies the integrity of received blocks by re-hashing all the data content and asserting the constructed CID.

You've now learned the bread and butter of IPFS – excellent progress!

One more critical component left: Networking.

How to Connect an IPFS Node to the p2p Network

Every node has its config file generated during the ipfs init execution.

Open it.

vim $IPFS_PATH/config

Other settings aside, you find your node’s Identity (PeerID + Private Key):

"Identity": { "PeerID": "12D3KooWCBmDtsvFwDHEr...", "PrivKey": "CAESQCj..." },

And a list of Bootstrap addresses:

"Bootstrap": [ "/dnsaddr/bootstrap.libp2p.io/p2p/QmcZf59b...gU1ZjYZcYW3dwt", "/ip4/", "/ip4/", "/dnsaddr/bootstrap.libp2p.io/p2p/QmNnooD5...BMjTezGAJN", "/dnsaddr/bootstrap.libp2p.io/p2p/QmQCU2Ec...J16u19uLTa", "/dnsaddr/bootstrap.libp2p.io/p2p/QmbLHAnM...Ucqanj75Nb" ],

You connect to other peers in the IPFS network by running the ipfs daemon command. Your node will first establish a p2p connection with Protocol Labs (company behind IPFS) bootstrap nodes, and through these bootstrap nodes, you will further find hundreds of other peers.

ipfs daemon > Initializing daemon...Swarm listening on /ip4/ listening on /ip4/ listening on /ip4/ listening on /ip4/ listening on /ip4/ listening on /ip4/ listening on /ip6/::1/tcp/4001Swarm listening on /ip6/::1/udp/4001/quicSwarm listening on /p2p-circuitSwarm announcing /ip4/ announcing /ip4/ announcing /ip4/ announcing /ip4/ announcing /ip4/ announcing /ip6/::1/tcp/4001Swarm announcing /ip6/::1/udp/4001/quicAPI server listening on /ip4/ (readonly) server listening on /ip4/ is ready!

Keep in mind, that by running the IPFS Daemon:

  1. Your node connects to the p2p net and can exchange blocks with other nodes
  2. Other peers can access the content on your node as long they know the CIDs
  3. Peers will talk to you through TCP, UDP on port: 4001
  4. If you have an application, start storing and consuming your node's content via the HTTP API listening on port: 5001.

For application development, I recommend the official ipfs-http-client library in JS exposing all the core commands – add, cat, object and others. It will speed up your coding progress.

I will use curl to interact with the API to keep this tutorial "short."

How to use the IPFS HTTP API:

Add content: :5001/api/v0/add

curl -X POST -F file=@/home/web3coach/go/src/github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/hello_world.txt ""

Read content: :5001/api/v0/cat

curl -X POST "" hello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGshello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGshello IPFS world by Web3Coach. Testing DAGs

See the official HTTP API docs for the complete list of available commands.

A Technical Guide to IPFS – the Decentralized Storage of Web3 (8)

How to peer with other IPFS nodes

Fun experiment. Use the ipfs swarm command and check how many nodes you already discovered:

ipfs swarm peers> /ip4/ swarm peers | wc -l> 186

Bravo! You are connected to 186 peers forming an unstoppable peer-to-peer web.

What about privacy?

Other peers can access all the content you add to your IPFS node. There is no built-in privacy mechanism, so never add unencrypted, sensitive/personal content to IPFS!

How Nodes Exchange Data Using the Bitswap Protocol

So far, you only interacted with your local content. Imagine you live in a place where the local government decided to block access to Wikipedia. No bueno.

Fortunately, because someone added all the Wikipedia content to IPFS, you can run your node and access its knowledge by requesting the content from peers across the globe.


The DAG Service will check the blocks in your datastore, but it won’t find any for QmT5NvUtoM5nWFfrQdVrFtvGfKFmG7AHE8P34isapyhCxX.

The node will therefore create a network request to its peers using the Bitswap protocol via exchange component:

func getBlock(ctx context.Context, c cid.Cid, bs blockstore.Blockstore, fget func() exchange.Fetcher) (blocks.Block, error) { err := verifcid.ValidateCid(c) // hash security if err != nil { return nil, err } block, err := bs.Get(c) if err == nil { return block, nil } if err == blockstore.ErrNotFound && fget != nil { f := fget() // Don't load the exchange until we have to log.Debug("Blockservice: Searching bitswap") blk, err := f.GetBlock(ctx, c)

Internally, the CID is added to a Wantlist :

// Wantlist is a raw list of wanted blocks and their prioritiestype Wantlist struct { set map[cid.Cid]Entry}// Entry is an entry in a want list, consisting of a cid and its prioritytype Entry struct { Cid cid.Cid Priority int32 WantType pb.Message_Wantlist_WantType}

And the PeerManager will iterate over known peers and their peers until it finds an online node capable of providing the wanted Block:

// PeerManager manages a pool of peers and sends messages to peers in the pool.type PeerManager struct { pqLk sync.RWMutex peerQueues map[peer.ID]PeerQueue pwm *peerWantManager createPeerQueue PeerQueueFactory ctx context.Context psLk sync.RWMutex sessions map[uint64]Session peerSessions map[peer.ID]map[uint64]struct{} self peer.ID}

The result?

You can consume the forbidden fruits from Wikipedia directly from localhost:8080:

A Technical Guide to IPFS – the Decentralized Storage of Web3 (9)

Uncensorable, decentralized storage :)

How to Persist Content from the p2p Network

You must know a crucial thing about IPFS: the content you access from the network will be garbage collected unless you pin it.

Pinning and Garbage Collection

At the beginning of the article you learned that content added to your node via the ipfs add command or its HTTP equivalent is pinned by default.

ipfs pin ls | grep QmNtQtxeavDXTjCiWAAaxnhKK3LBYfFfpXUXjdMDYXwKtH> QmNtQtxeavDXTjCiWAAaxnhKK3LBYfFfpXUXjdMDYXwKtH recursive

Pinned blocks are marked as NOT TO BE DELETED when the Garbage Collection runs.

Why would the Garbage Collection delete some blocks? To keep your node healthy by controlling its storage size.

By reading Wikipedia or by accessing any other content from the p2p network, IPFS downloads its blocks. As the node's datastore grows in size, a periodic garbage collection process will prune unpinned blocks, so you don't run out of disk space.

If you want your content to be accessible 24/7 on the IPFS network, I recommend that you use a reliable remote provider to pin it: Infura - is the easiest way to get started, and you get 5GB free of decentralized storage.

A Technical Guide to IPFS – the Decentralized Storage of Web3 (10)

Follow the getting started docs.

How to pin Wikipedia locally

Verify that the Wikipedia root-level CID (highest DAG node) isn't yet pinned on your node:

ipfs pin ls | grep QmT5NvUtoM5nWFfrQdVrFtvGfKFmG7AHE8P34isapyhCxX> no output, not pinned

IPFS stores specific versions of Wikipedia in the form of a DAG. I recommend inspecting its graph before pinning:

ipfs object get QmT5NvUtoM5nWFfrQdVrFtvGfKFmG7AHE8P34isapyhCxX | jq
{ "Links": [ { "Name": "0C-", "Hash": "QmSEwJo8Z5bqVX3AhocyimJzPWetr7HgbWbwCg6zbp43AP", "Size": 1248085 }, { "Name": "43I", "Hash": "QmPW3kRjncDj145bP9DVNc791FowLPwYHnqbTzfe3whdyZ", "Size": 2611324931 }, { "Name": "58wiki", "Hash": "QmRNXpMRzsTHdRrKvwmWisgaojGKLPqHxzQfrXdfNkettC", "Size": 12295304394 }, { "Name": "92M", "Hash": "Qmbcvk7jpBTUKdgex139Nvv7BrKocE3pQVKhNJtTU77Qv5", "Size": 793 }, { "Name": "A0index.html", "Hash": "QmNqbYogAxH4mmt5WhuKN7NFEUDZ9V3Scxh7QbLwTKBJDk", "Size": 191 } ], "Data": "\b\u0005\u0012\u0015\u0001\u0000\u0004\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0001\u0000\u0000\b\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0010\u0000(\"0�\u0002"}

The root DAG object has five links. Four links are relatively small, but one link points to a DAG node with a total size of 12GB. If you inspect this DAG node, you will see 256 more links and a total cumulative (recursive) size of 12GB.

ipfs object stat QmRNXpMRzsTHdRrKvwmWisgaojGKLPqHxzQfrXdfNkettCNumLinks: 256BlockSize: 12075LinksSize: 12034DataSize: 41CumulativeSize: 12295304394

Every node with an important pinned article, video, documentary, or a cat meme makes the web more accessible, antifragile, decentralized, and robust.

ipfs pin add QmT5NvUtoM5nWFfrQdVrFtvGfKFmG7AHE8P34isapyhCxX

The pinning process will recursively traverse the entire DAG node, fetch all its links from the Bitswap protocol and then pin every single Block to your local datastore.

Congratulations! In this article, you learned how decentralized storage works behind the scenes.

I worked 47 hours to write this blog post… but you can re-tweet it in just 5 seconds:

How to become a Web3 blockchain developer?

I program Ethereum apps since 2018, and my goal is to bring 1000 developers into the blockchain ecosystem.

If you want to learn distributed and decentralized systems, I will share all my knowledge with you in this WIP roadmap🧵

— Lukáš Lukáč (@Web3Coach) June 21, 2021


















A Technical Guide to IPFS – the Decentralized Storage of Web3 (11)
Lukas Lukac

Ex-trivago software engineer, author and blockchain coach.I train software developers for the new era of Web 3.0 by teaching how to build blockchain systems and Ethereum applications.

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A Technical Guide to IPFS – the Decentralized Storage of Web3 (2024)


Is IPFS truly decentralized? ›

As opposed to a centrally located server, IPFS is built around a decentralized system of user-operators who hold a portion of the overall data, creating a resilient system of file storage and sharing.

Does Web3 use IPFS? ›

IPFS and Web3 Gaming

IPFS aligns perfectly with this ethos, providing a distributed and open solution for hosting game assets. By storing assets on IPFS, developers can leverage its distributed nature to improve load times and reduce server costs, which can often be a barrier for indie developers.

What are the disadvantages of IPFS? ›

Drawbacks of IPFS:
  • Problem: If a file isn't popular or frequently accessed on IPFS, fewer nodes (computers in the network) might store it. This can make it difficult to access that file when needed.
  • Impact: Essential data might become inaccessible if not stored or replicated by enough nodes in the network.
Dec 7, 2023

Is IPFS free? ›

IPFS is a free and open network of IPFS nodes, which are essentially the computers that participate in the network. They can communicate with each other while they store and share bits of your uploaded content.

Who owns data in IPFS? ›

IPFS protects data sovereignty by enabling users to store and access data directly on a decentralized network of nodes, rather than centralized, third-party servers. This eliminates the need for intermediaries to control and manage data, giving users full control and ownership over their data.

Is IPFS same as blockchain? ›

Simply put, IPFS is not a blockchain, but rather a file system.

What is the difference between Web3 and IPFS? ›

Web3 applications often involve sharing and distributing content across a global network. Traditional content delivery networks (CDNs) can be costly and still rely on centralized servers. IPFS takes a different approach, leveraging its distributed architecture to create a peer-to-peer content distribution network.

Is Web3 fully decentralized? ›

The attractiveness of Web 3.0 is that it is decentralized, meaning that rather than consumers accessing the internet through services mediated by companies like Google, Apple or Facebook, individuals, themselves, own and govern sections of the internet.

Does IPFS cost money? ›

How are IPFS costs calculated? The costs of IPFS pinning depends on three main factors: the amount of data you want to store, how much bandwidth you use, and how many requests are made for your data. Storage: This one's pretty straightforward. The more data you store, the more you'll have to pay.

Is IPFS decentralized or distributed? ›

Decentralization: IPFS operates as a decentralized network, removing reliance on a single point of failure. Content is stored and distributed across a network of nodes, enhancing fault tolerance and security.

How private is IPFS? ›

While IPFS traffic between nodes is encrypted, the essential metadata that nodes publish to the DHT — including their unique node identifiers (PeerIDs) and the CIDs of data that they're providing — is public.

Which cryptocurrency is truly decentralized? ›


Ethereum is another highly decentralized network. In fact, some studies even suggest that Ethereum is even more decentralized than Bitcoin. Such a suggestion is based on a principle that, if put quite simple, proclaims that the more nodes the network have, the more decentralized it is.

What crypto is actually decentralized? ›

In summary, Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that operates on a peer-to-peer network, utilizing blockchain technology to secure and verify transactions.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.