401(k) vs. IRA Contribution Limits (2024)

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) limits the annual contributions individuals may make to their retirement plans, including Roth IRAs, traditional IRAs, and 401(k)s.

Key Takeaways

  • For 2023, you can contribute up to $6,500 to a Roth or traditional IRA. If you're 50 or older, the limit is $7,500.
  • The IRA limit rises to $7,000 in 2024, or $8,000 if you're 50 or older.
  • The most you can contribute to a 401(k) in 2023 is $22,500, or $30,000 if you're 50 or older. That number rises to $23,000 for 2024, or $30,500 if you're 50 or older.
  • If you have a 401(k) match, the combined limit in 2023 is $66,000, or $73,500 if you're 50 or older, or 100% of your salary if it's less than the dollar limits. The 2024 limits are $69,000 and $76,500, respectively.

Types of Contributions

Each retirement plan allows for two different types of contributions, based on age. The first, known as a “regular contribution,” applies to individuals younger than 50. The second, known as a “catch-up contribution,” is an extra amount available to those 50 or older.

The latter is so named because such investors are closer to retirement age and have less time for their assets to grow. The IRS consequently permits larger contributions, in hopes that the investments will “catch up.”

Note: Individuals may make catch-up contributions when they're 49 if they'll turn 50 by the end of the year.

IRA Contribution Limits

For 2023, the maximum allowable contributions to Roth IRAs are $6,500 for those younger than 50 and $7,500 for those older. The limit increases to $7,000 in 2024, or $8,000 for those 50 and older.

Individuals must have earned income from wages and other sources in order to contribute to an IRA, and those earnings must match or exceed the amount of the contribution. For example, if you earned $4,000, that's the most you may contribute. Note: if a worker's income exceeds a certain threshold, they may not contribute to a Roth IRA at all (see below).

Traditional IRAs observe the same contribution limits as Roth IRAs. But unlike Roth IRAs, individuals may always contribute to traditional IRAs—regardless of their income levels.

Which Contributions Are Not Counted in the Limit?

While there are annual contribution limits to Roth IRAs, there are no such yearly caps to the following:

  • Investments rolled over from one Roth IRA account to another.
  • Funds converted from traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs.
  • Funds rolled over from 401(k)s and other qualified retirement plans into IRAs.

Roth IRA Income Limits

Unlike traditional IRAs and 401(k)s, Roth IRAs impose income limits that determine how much one may contribute. And if your income exceeds a certain threshold, you may not contribute to a Roth IRA at all.

If you make too much money to contribute directly to a Roth IRA, you can use the "backdoor" Roth IRA strategy.

The following contribution limits must be observed in 2023 and 2024:

  • Individuals may contribute the full amount if they're married filing jointly, and theirmodified adjusted gross income(MAGI) is less than $218,000 (rising to $230,000 for 2024).
  • Individuals may contribute the full amount if they're single, and theirmodified adjusted gross income(MAGI) is less than $138,000 (or $146,000 in 2024).
  • Married joint filers with annual MAGIs ranging from $218,000 to $228,000 may contribute a reduced amount (rising to a range of $230,000 to $240,000 for 2024).
  • Single filers with MAGIs ranging between $138,000 to $153,000 may contribute a reduced amount (rising to a range of $146,000 to $161,000 for 2024).
  • Married filers whose MAGIs exceed $228,000 may not contribute to Roth IRAs at all (rising to $240,000 for 2024).
  • Single filers whose MAGIs exceed $153,000 may not contribute to Roth IRAs at all (rising to $161,000 for 2024).

The IRS has a worksheet to walk you throughwhether or not you can contribute.

Here’s a summary of the Roth IRA income limits for 2023 and 2024:

Roth IRA Income Limits for 2023-2024
If your filing status is…And your 2023 modified AGI is…And your 2024 modified AGI is...You can contribute…
Married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er)Less than $218,000Less than $230,000Up to the limit
More than $218,000 but less than $228,000More than $230,000 but less than $240,000A reduced amount
$228,000 or more$240,000 or more.Zero
Single, head of household, or married filing separately and you didn't live with your spouse at any time during the yearLess than $138,000Less than $146,000Up to the limit
More than $138,000 but less than $153,000More than $146,000 but less than $161,000A reduced amount
More than $153,000More than $161,000Zero
Married filing separately and you lived with your spouse at any time during the yearLess than $10,000Less than $10,000A reduced amount
$10,000 or more$10,000 or more.Zero

Traditional IRA Income Limits

Unlike Roth IRAs,traditional IRAs are funded with pre-tax dollars, so you can usually write off the contribution during the year you make it. But this is governed by several factors.

If you’re single and have no workplace plan, or if you’re married and neither you nor your spouse has one, you may fully deduct your IRA contribution—regardless of your income. On the other hand, if you don’t have an employer-sponsored plan, but your spouse has one, you may deduct the full amount if you’re married filing jointly and your MAGI is $218,000 or less (rising to $230,000 for 2023).

The numbers change if you have a workplace plan. For 2023, married couples filing jointly can take the full deduction if they make less than $116,000 (rising to $123,000 in 2024). If you collectively earn between $116,000 and $136,000, you can take a partial deduction (rising to $123,000 and $143,000 in 2024). And if you earn more than $136,000 (or $143,000 in 2024), you may not deduct anything.

In 2023, single filers can take a full deduction if they earn $73,000 or less ($77,000 in 2024). They can take a partial deduction if they earn more than $73,000 but less than $83,000 (a range of $77,000 to $87,000 in 2023), and they may deduct nothing if their income exceeds $83,000 (or $87,000 in 2024).

Here's a rundown of traditional IRA income limits for 2023 and 2024:

Traditional IRA Income Limits for 2023 and 2024
If your filing status is…And your 2023 modified AGI is…And your 2024 modified AGI is....Then you can take…
Single, head of household, qualifying widow(er), married filing jointly or separately and neither spouse is covered by a plan at workAny amountAny amountA full deduction up to the amount of your contribution limit
Married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er) and you're covered by a plan at work$116,000 or less$123,000 or lessA full deduction up to the amount of your contribution limit
More than $116,000 but less than $136,000More than $123,000 but less than $143,000A partial deduction
$136,000 or more$143,000 or moreNo deduction
Married filing jointly and your spouse is covered by a plan at work$218,000 or less$230,000 or lessA full deduction up to the amount of your contribution limit
More than $218,000 but less than $228,000More than $230,000 but less than $240,000A partial deduction
$228,000 or more$240,000 or moreNo deduction
Single or head of household and you're covered by a plan at work$73,000 or less$77,000 or lessA full deduction up to the amount of your contribution limit
More than $73,000 but less than $83,000More than $77,000 but less than $87,000A partial deduction
$83,000 or more$87,000 or moreNo deduction
Married filing separately and either spouse is covered by a plan at workLess than $10,000Less than $10,000A partial deduction
$10,000 or more$10,000 or moreNo deduction

More Details on IRA Contributions

With Roth and traditional IRA contributions, limits are imposed per taxpayer, not per account. That means an individual may not contribute $6,500 to a Roth IRA andan additional $6,500 to a traditional IRA in 2023. Instead, one may contribute a total of $6,500 split across the different IRAs, say $4,000 to a Roth IRA, and the remaining $2,500 to a traditional IRA. In 2024, the total contribution rises to $7,000.

Spousal IRAs are regular IRAs that married couples who file jointly may participate in.

Married couples can also contribute the same amounts to aspousal IRA for a non-working spouse, as long as one spouse earns enough income to cover both contributions.

401(k) Contribution Limits

As with traditional IRAs, the eligibility to contribute to 401(k)s is not governed by income limits. Furthermore, investors may annually stash significantly more money in their 401(k)s. Case in point, for 2023, the 401(k) contribution limit is $22,500 for those under 50, and $30,000 for those older (rising to $23,000 and $30,500, respectively, in 2024).

While 401(k) contributions reduce your taxes, you don't actually claim a deduction when you file because those contributions come directly out of your paycheck, and are therefore made with pre-tax dollars. This lowers your taxable income for the year, saving you cash at tax time.

401(k) Match Limits

The biggest benefit of a 401(k) plan is the employer match, which is typically a percentage of your contribution, up to a certain amount of your salary. For example, your employer may match 50% of your contributions, up to 5% of your salary. So, if you earn $100,000 and contribute $10,000 to your 401(k), your employer would kick in an extra $2,500 = ($100,000 x 5% = $5,000 x 50%).

If your employer offers a match, be sure to contribute enough to take advantage of the full amount.

Although any match your employer provides doesn't count toward your annual contribution limit, the IRS does limit the total dollars annually invested into your 401(k). For 2023, the combined 401(k) contribution limits between yourself and the employer-matched funds are as follows:

  • $66,000 if you're under 50 (rising to $69,000 in 2024)
  • $73,500 if you're 50 or older (rising to $76,500 in 2024)
  • 100% of your salary if it's less than the dollar limits

Ineligible (Excess) IRA Contributions

Those who invest more dollars into an IRA than they're entitled to will be penalized with a 6% excise tax on any excess contribution. This fine will be levied each year until the mistake is corrected. Most people who make ineligible IRA contributions do so inadvertently, often under the following scenarios:

  • They earn more money and fall outside the income eligibility range.
  • They forget that they contributed earlier that year.
  • They contributed money that doesn’t qualify as earned income.
  • They contributed more than their earned income for the year.

How to Fix Excess IRA Contributions

If you realize you’ve contributed too much money to a single IRA account, or a combination of accounts, there are several ways to reverse the excess contributions. But it's important to act fast because failure to meet deadlines can trigger stiff penalties.

Those who contribute too much to an IRA will annually face a 6% penalty until they correct the mistake.

If you discover your mistake after filing income taxes for the year, you can remove the excess contribution within six months. Alternatively, you can reduce the following year’s contribution by the excess amount. For example, if you errantly contributed $8,000 one year, you can reduce your contribution by $2,000 (the excess amount) the following year. But remember that carrying forward the excess this way subjects you to that 6% penalty until the excess is absorbed.

Excess 401(k) Contributions

Even though your employer deducts your contributions to a 401(k), it's still possible to over-invest if the following scenarios occur:

  • You switch employers or retirement plans in the same year and contribute too much to each plan.
  • You hold two jobs and two plans and fail to realize that the limit is per taxpayer, not per account.
  • You receive a raise or a bonus, and neglect to change your contribution percentage accordingly.

How to Fix Excess Deferrals

If you over-contribute to your 401(k), immediately let your plan administrator know you made an excess deferral—hopefully before March 1 of the year following the one in which you over-contributed. The excess amount and any related earnings should be returned to you by April 15. If the excess amount isn't returned to you by that date, you may end up paying taxes on the amount twice: once in the year you contributed too much and once when the excess amount is returned to you.

The Bottom Line

There are annual limits to contributions investors may make into their 401(k) plans and IRAs. If you cannot invest the full amount possible, it is strategically shrewd to max out your investments into your 401(k) to earn the full employer match. Any remaining funds should be channeled to your IRA.

401(k) vs. IRA Contribution Limits (2024)


401(k) vs. IRA Contribution Limits? ›

The IRA limit rises to $7,000 in 2024, or $8,000 if you're 50 or older. The most you can contribute to a 401(k) in 2023 is $22,500, or $30,000 if you're 50 or older. That number rises to $23,000 for 2024, or $30,500 if you're 50 or older.

Does a 401k have a higher contribution limit than an IRA? ›

401(k)s offer higher contribution limits.

The employer-sponsored plan allows you to add much more to your retirement savings than an IRA – $23,000 compared to $7,000 in 2024. Plus, if you're over age 50 you get a larger catch-up contribution maximum with the 401(k) – $7,500 compared to $1,000 in the IRA.

Can I contribute full $6,000 to IRA if I have a 401k? ›

If you participate in an employer's retirement plan, such as a 401(k), and your adjusted gross income (AGI) is equal to or less than the number in the first column for your tax filing status, you are able to make and deduct a traditional IRA contribution up to the maximum of $7,000, or $8,000 if you're 50 or older, in ...

Can I max out a 401k and an IRA in the same year? ›

You can invest in both accounts up to annual IRS limits. For 2024, the maximum is $23,000 for a 401(k) and $7,000 for an IRA. Depending on your age and income, your Roth IRA limit may differ.

What is the biggest difference in who makes the contributions to 401(k) and IRA retirement plans? ›

The main difference between 401(k)s and IRAs is that 401(k)s are offered through employers, whereas IRAs are opened by individuals through a broker or a bank. IRAs typically offer more investment options, but 401(k)s allow higher annual contributions.

Why are SIMPLE IRA limits lower than 401k? ›

Contribution limits for SIMPLE IRA plans are lower than traditional 401(k) plans. SIMPLE IRAs require an employer contribution. 401(k) plans do not, although many employers do choose to make contributions.

What is the maximum IRA contribution per person? ›

How much can I contribute to an IRA? The annual contribution limit for 2023 is $6,500, or $7,500 if you're age 50 or older (2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 is $6,000, or $7,000 if you're age 50 or older). The annual contribution limit for 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 is $5,500, or $6,500 if you're age 50 or older.

Can I deduct both IRA and 401k contributions? ›

Yes, you can have both accounts and many people do. The traditional individual retirement account (IRA) and 401(k) provide the benefit of tax-deferred savings for retirement. Depending on your tax situation, you may also be able to receive a tax deduction for the amount you contribute to a 401(k) and IRA each tax year.

What are the disadvantages of rolling over a 401k to an IRA? ›

Any Traditional 401(k) assets that are rolled into a Roth IRA are subject to taxes at the time of conversion. You may pay annual fees or other fees for maintaining your Roth IRA at some companies, or you may face higher investing fees, pricing, and expenses than you did with your 401(k).

Why are IRA limits so low? ›

Contributions to a traditional individual retirement account (IRA), Roth IRA, 401(k), and other retirement savings plans are limited by law so that highly paid employees don't benefit more than the average worker from the tax advantages that they provide.

Can I contribute 100% of my salary to my 401k? ›

Elective deferrals up to 100% of compensation (“earned income” in the case of a self-employed individual) up to the annual contribution limit: $23,000 in 2024 ($22,500 in 2023; $20,500 in 2022; $19,500 in 2020 and 2021), or $30,000 in 2023 ($27,000 in 2022; $26,000 in 2020 and 2021) if age 50 or over; plus.

What percentage of people max out 401k and IRA? ›

Few investors max out their 401(k) contributions

In 2022, 15% of retirement plan participants saved the highest amount of $20,500 for that year, or $27,000 for those age 50 and older, according to Vanguard research.

Should I have both a 401k and Roth IRA? ›

Not only is having both a Roth IRA and a 401(k) allowed by the IRS, but having both could also help you build a bigger nest egg. Even if you earn too much for a Roth, you have other options to use these 2 powerful savings tools at the same time. Feed your brain. Fund your future.

At what age is 401k withdrawal tax-free? ›

The IRS allows penalty-free withdrawals from retirement accounts after age 59½ and requires withdrawals after age 72. (These are called required minimum distributions, or RMDs). There are some exceptions to these rules for 401(k) plans and other qualified plans.

Is it better to max out 401k or Roth IRA? ›

The Best Choice. So, to sum it all up: Your best choice is to invest in your 401(k) up to the employer match and then open up a Roth IRA—and make sure you reach your goal to invest 15% of your gross income in retirement.

Should I roll over my 401k to IRA? ›

For most people, rolling over a 401(k) (or a 403(b) for those in the public or nonprofit sector) to an IRA is the best choice. That's because a rollover to an IRA offers: More control over your portfolio and more personalized investment choices. Easier to get up-to-date information about changes.

What is the maximum 401k contribution IRS? ›

Elective deferrals up to 100% of compensation (“earned income” in the case of a self-employed individual) up to the annual contribution limit: $23,000 in 2024 ($22,500 in 2023; $20,500 in 2022; $19,500 in 2020 and 2021), or $30,000 in 2023 ($27,000 in 2022; $26,000 in 2020 and 2021) if age 50 or over; plus.

Is there an income limit for 401k contributions? ›

Compensation limit for contributions

This limit increases to $76,500 for 2024 ($73,500 for 2023; $67,500 for 2022; $64,500 for 2021; and $63,500 for 2020 if you include catch-up contributions.

Is the 401(k) limit per person or per couple? ›

Each spouse can contribute up to $23,000 in their 401(k) account for 2024, or up to $46,000 as a couple. If both are over 50, they can contribute an additional $7,500 each, potentially deferring taxes on up to $61,000 annually.

What happens if I contribute more than $6000 to my IRA? ›

You'll pay a 6% penalty while the excess contribution is on the books, but may avoid future penalties. Roth IRA option: Move the excess to a traditional IRA. If you have a Roth IRA, another way to avoid penalties is to transfer the excess amount and any earnings into a traditional IRA.

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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.