16.6. Managing the Certificate Database Red Hat Certificate System 9 | Red Hat Customer Portal (2024)

Each CertificateSystem instance has a certificate database, which is maintained in its internal token. This database contains certificates belonging to the subsystem installed in the CertificateSystem instance and various CA certificates the subsystems use for validating the certificates they receive.

Even if an external token is used to generate and store key pairs, CertificateSystem always maintains its list of trusted and untrusted CA certificates in its internal token.

This section explains how to view the contents of the certificate database, delete unwanted certificates, and change the trust settings of CA certificates installed in the database using the CertificateSystem window. For information on adding certificates to the database, see Section16.6.1, “Installing Certificates in the Certificate System Database”.


The CertificateSystem command-line utility certutil can be used to manage the certificate database by editing trust settings and adding and deleting certificates. For details about this tool, see http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/tools/.

Administrators should periodically check the contents of the certificate database to make sure that it does not include any unwanted CA certificates. For example, if the database includes CA certificates that should not ever be trusted within the PKI setup, delete them.

16.6.1.Installing Certificates in the Certificate System Database

If new server certificates are issued for a subsystem, they must be installed in that subsystem database. Additionally, user and agent certificates must be installed in the subsystem databases. If the certificates are issued by an external CA, then usually the corresponding CA certificate or certificate chain needs to be installed.

Certificates can be installed in the subsystem certificate database through the Console's Certificate Setup Wizard or using the certutil utility.

  • Section16.6.1.1, “Installing Certificates through the Console”

  • Section16.6.1.2, “Installing Certificates Using certutil”

  • Section16.6.1.3, “About CA Certificate Chains” Certificates through the Console

The Certificate Setup Wizard can install or import the following certificates into either an internal or external token used by the CertificateSystem instance:

  • Any of the certificates used by a CertificateSystem subsystem

  • Any trusted CA certificates from external CAs or other CertificateSystem CAs

  • Certificate chains

A certificate chain includes a collection of certificates: the subject certificate, the trusted root CA certificate, and any intermediate CA certificates needed to link the subject certificate to the trusted root. However, the certificate chain the wizard imports must include only CA certificates; none of the certificates can be a user certificate.

In a certificate chain, each certificate in the chain is encoded as a separate DER-encoded object. When the wizard imports a certificate chain, it imports these objects one after the other, all the way up the chain to the last certificate, which may or may not be the root CA certificate. If any of the certificates in the chain are already installed in the local certificate database, the wizard replaces the existing certificates with the ones in the chain. If the chain includes intermediate CA certificates, the wizard adds them to the certificate database as untrusted CA certificates.

The subsystem console uses the same wizard to install certificates and certificate chains. To install certificates in the local security database, do the following:

  1. Open the console.

    pkiconsole https://server.example.com:secure_port/subsystem_type
  2. In the Configuration tab, select System Keys and Certificates from the left navigation tree.

  3. There are two tabs where certificates can be installed, depending on the subsystem type and the type of certificate.

    • The CA Certificates tab is for installing CA certificates and certificate chains. For Certificate Managers, this tab is used for third-party CA certificates or other CertificateSystem CA certificates; all of the local CA certificates are installed in the Local Certificates tab. For all other subsystems, all CA certificates and chains are installed through this tab.

    • The Local Certificates tab is where all server certificates, subsystem certificates, and local certificates such as OCSP signing or KRA transport are installed.

    Select the appropriate tab.

  4. To install a certificate in the Local Certificates tab, click Add/Renew. To install a certificate in the CA Certificates tab, click Add. Both will open the Certificate Setup Wizard.

    1. When the wizard opens, select the Install a certificate radio button, and click Next.

    2. Select the type of certificate to install. The options for the drop-down menu are the same options available for creating a certificate, depending on the type of subsystem, with the additional option to install a cross-pair certificate.

    3. Paste in the certificate body, including the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----, into the text area, or specify the absolute file location; this must be a local file.

      The certificate will look like the following:

  5. The wizard displays the certificate details. Review the fingerprint to make sure this is the correct certificate, or use the Back button to go back and submit a different one. Give a nickname for the certificate.

    The wizard installs the certificate.

  6. Any CA that signed the certificate must be trusted by the subsystem. Make sure that this CA's certificate exists in the subsystem's certificate database (internal or external) and that it is trusted.

    If the CA certificate is not listed, add the certificate to the certificate database as a trusted CA. If the CA's certificate is listed but untrusted, change the trust setting to trusted, as shown in Section16.7, “Changing the Trust Settings of a CA Certificate”.

    When installing a certificate issued by a CA that is not stored in the CertificateSystem certificate database, add that CA's certificate chain to the database. To add the CA chain to the database, copy the CA chain to a text file, start the wizard again, and install the CA chain. Certificates Using certutil

To install subsystem certificates in the CertificateSystem instance's security databases using certutil, do the following:

  1. Open the subsystem's security database directory.

    cd /var/lib/pki/instance_name/alias
  2. Run the certutil command with the -A to add the certificate and -i pointing to the file containing the certificate issued by the CA.

    certutil -A -n cert-name -t trustargs -d . -a -i certificate_file


    If the CertificateSystem instance's certificates and keys are stored on an HSM, then specify the token name using the -h option.

    For example:

    certutil -A -n "ServerCert cert-instance_name" -t u,u,u -d . -a -i /tmp/example.cert

For information about using the certutil command, see http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/tools/certutil.html. CA Certificate Chains

Any client or server software that supports certificates maintains a collection of trusted CA certificates in its certificate database. These CA certificates determine which other certificates the software can validate. In the simplest case, the software can validate only certificates issued by one of the CAs for which it has a certificate. It is also possible for a trusted CA certificate to be part of a chain of CA certificates, each issued by the CA above it in a certificate hierarchy.

The first certificate in the chain is processed in a context-specific manner, which varies according to how it is being imported. For Mozilla Firefox, this handling depends upon the MIME content type used on the object being downloaded. For RedHat servers, it depends upon the options selected in the server administration interface.

Subsequent certificates are all treated the same. If the certificates contain the SSL-CA bit in the Netscape Certificate Type certificate extension and do not already exist in the local certificate database, they are added as untrusted CAs. They can be used for certificate chain validation as long as there is a trusted CA somewhere in the chain.

The certificates stored in the subsystem certificates database, cert8.db, can be viewed through the subsystem administrative console. Alternatively, the certificates can be listed using the certutil utility. certutil must be used to view the TPS certificates because the TPS subsystem does not use an administrative console.

  • Section16.6.2.1, “Viewing Database Content through the Console”

  • Section16.6.2.2, “Viewing Database Content Using certutil”


The certificates listed in the cert8.db database are the subsystem certificates used for subsystem operations. User certificates are stored with the user entries in the LDAP internal database. Database Content through the Console

To view the contents of the database through the administrative console, do the following:

  1. Open the subsystem console.

    pkiconsole https://server.example.com:secure_port/subsystem_type
  2. In the Configuration tab, select System Keys and Certificates from the left navigation tree.

  3. There are two tabs, CA Certificates and Local Certificates, which list different kinds of certificates.

    • CA Certificates lists CA certificates for which the corresponding private key material is not available, such as certificates issued by third-party CAs such as Entrust or Verisign or external CertificateSystem Certificate Managers.

    • Local Certificates lists certificates kept by the CertificateSystem subsystem instance, such as the KRA transport certificate or OCSP signing certificate.

    16.6.Managing the Certificate Database Red Hat Certificate System 9 | Red Hat Customer Portal (1)

    Figure16.2.Certificate Database Tab

  4. The Certificate Database Management table lists the all of the certificates installed on the subsystem. The following information is supplied for each certificate:

    • Certificate Name

    • Serial Number

    • Issuer Names, the common name (cn) of the issuer of this certificate.

    • Token Name, the name of the cryptographic token holding the certificate; for certificate stored in the database, this is internal.

To view more detailed information about the certificate, select the certificate, and click View. This opens a window which shows the serial number, validity period, subject name, issuer name, and certificate fingerprint of the certificate. Database Content Using certutil

To view the certificates in the subsystem database using certutil, open the instance's certificate database directory, and run the certutil with the -L option. For example:

cd /var/lib/pki/instance_name/aliascertutil -L -d .Certificate Authority - Example Domain CT,c,subsystemCert cert-instance name u,u,uServer-Cert cert-instance_name u,u,u

To view the keys stored in the subsystem databases using certutil, run the certutil with the -K option. For example:

cd /var/lib/pki/instance_name/aliascertutil -K -d .Enter Password or Pin for "NSS Certificate DB":<0> subsystemCert cert-instance_name<1><2> Server-Cert cert-instance_name

For information about using the certutil command, see http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/tools/certutil.html.

16.6.3.Deleting Certificates from the Database

Removing unwanted certificates reduces the size of the certificate database.


When deleting CA certificates from the certificate database, be careful not to delete the intermediate CA certificates, which help a subsystem chain up to the trusted CA certificate. If in doubt, leave the certificates in the database as untrusted CA certificates; see Section16.7, “Changing the Trust Settings of a CA Certificate”.

  • Section16.6.3.1, “Deleting Certificates through the Console”

  • Section16.6.3.2, “Deleting Certificates Using certutil” Certificates through the Console

To delete a certificate through the Console, do the following:

  1. Open the subsystem console.

    pkiconsole https://server.example.com:secure_port/subsystem_type
  2. In the Configuration tab, select System Keys and Certificates from the left navigation tree.

  3. Select the certificate to delete, and click Delete.

  4. When prompted, confirm the delete. Certificates Using certutil

To delete a certificate from the database using certutil:

  1. Open the instance's certificate databases directory.

  2. List the certificates in the database by running the certutil with the -L option. For example:

    certutil -L -d .Certificate Authority - Example Domain CT,c,subsystemCert cert-instance_name u,u,uServer-Cert cert-instance_name u,u,u
  3. Delete the certificate by running the certutil with the -D option.

    certutil -D -d . -n certificate_nickname

    For example:

    certutil -D -d . -n "ServerCert cert-instance_name"
  4. List the certificates again to confirm that the certificate was removed.

    certutil -L -d .Certificate Authority - Example Domain CT,c,subsystemCert cert-instance_name u,u,u

For information about using the certutil command, see http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/tools/certutil.html.

16.6. Managing the Certificate Database Red Hat Certificate System 9 | Red Hat Customer Portal (2024)


How do I get a trusted CA certificate? ›

How Do I Get a CA Signed Certificate?
  1. Buy the certificate.
  2. Provide your certificate signing request (CSR). You can get this from your hosting control panel such as cPanel.
  3. Complete the validation process. With DV certificates, this can be as simple as clicking a link in a confirmation email.
  4. Get a cup of coffee.

How to update CA certificates in Redhat Linux? ›

We can either remove the certificate file or copy a new one and run the update-ca-trust command to revoke or update a certificate. In case we need to prepare the consolidated file, we can run the command with the extract option.

How do I remove certificates from Nssdb? ›

The certutil command with the -L (list) an -d (directory) options can be used to list the certificates in your nssdb (Network Security Services Database). Then the -D (delete) and -n (name) options can be used to delete a certificate.

How do I set up and configure a certificate authority CA? ›

In order to use a self-sign certificate, you'll need to install the Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Service (AD CS).
  1. Select Server Manager and click Add Role.
  2. Select Certification Authority under Role Services and click Next.
  3. Select Enterprise under Setup Type and click Next.
Jan 24, 2024

How do I know if my certificate is trusted? ›

How To Verify SSL Certificates In Windows? To check if SSL certificate is installed, you can use the Certificate Manager tool and check its validity period. Another alternative option is to use the sigcheck Windows Sysinternals utility to verify TLS version.

How do I find my Certificate Authority? ›

You can go to your Domain Controller and find the Cert Publishers group in Active Directory. It should have your servers with the Certificate Authority role. If you run the Certutil cmd there, you can get the info of the certificates installed.

Where are the certificates stored in RedHat? ›

Certificate files are treated depending on the subdirectory they are installed to: /usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/anchors/ or /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ - for trust anchors.

How to renew an SSL certificate in RHEL? ›

Key Steps to Renew Your SSL Certificate
  1. Generate a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from your hosting provider.
  2. Activate your SSL certificate from your hosting dashboard.
  3. Validate your SSL certificate using the generated CSR.
  4. Install your new SSL certificate either manually or via contacting your hosting provider.
Mar 13, 2024

How to check trusted certificate in Linux? ›

Find the path to the trusted certificates
  1. Run the following command: $ openssl version -d. ...
  2. Verify the directory "certs" exists by using the list directory command: ls.
  3. If there is no certs directory, create it by running the command: mkdir certs.
  4. Navigate to the cert directory in the located path by running the command:

What happens if I remove all user certificates? ›

Important: Removing certificates you've installed doesn't remove the permanent system certificates that your device needs to work. But if you remove a certificate that a certain Wi-Fi connection requires, your device may not connect to that Wi-Fi network anymore.

How do I Delete unused certificates? ›

Press Windows Key + R Key together, type certmgr. msc, and hit enter. You will get a new window with the list of Certificates installed on your computer. Locate the certificate you want to delete and then click on the Action button then, click on Delete.

How do I remove a certificate from a database? ›

Choose Certificate Database. The View Maintenance for the certificate database screen appears. Select the certificates that you want to remove from the list of certificates. Choose Delete.

Can I create my own SSL certificate? ›

Technically, anyone can create their own SSL certificate by generating a public-private key pairing and including all the information mentioned above. Such certificates are called self-signed certificates because the digital signature used, instead of being from a CA, would be the website's own private key.

How to get an SSL certificate free? ›

  1. ZeroSSL and Let's Encrypt both offer free 90-day SSL certificates. Starting the SSL certificate creation process above will allow you to create one or multiple free SSL certificates, issued by ZeroSSL. ...
  2. Private Keys are generated in your browser and never transmitted.

Can I use a self-signed certificate in SSL? ›

Self-signed TLS/SSL certificates are safe in a testing environment, and you can use them while you are waiting for your certificates to be issued by a public CA. But, using them in a production environment will significantly decrease the traffic to your website or application and lead to a lack of trust from users.

Can I create my own CA certificate? ›

Being your own CA allows you to sign your own or anyone else's certificate requests. This is very handy if you only need certificates within your private Web network and not for outside Internet commerce. To be your own CA in a web network, you must create a CA database and self-signed CA certificate using GSKKYMAN.

Where can I Download a CA certificate? ›

Log on to Root Certification Authority Web Enrollment Site. ip_address = Root Certification Authority Server IP. fqdn = Fully qualified domain name of the Root Certification Authority Server. Select Download a CA certificate, certificate chain, or CRL.

How much is a trusted certificate? ›

On average, a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate costs around $60/year. However, the price can vary from $8 to $1000/year, depending on various factors, such as the number of domains one can protect, the validation process, the warranty, or the certificate authority itself.

Are CA certificates free? ›

CAcert.org is a community-driven Certificate Authority that issues certificates to the public at large for free.

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