15-Year vs 30-Year Mortgages – Which One Is The Better Choice? - Good Money Sense (2024)

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15-Year vs 30-Year Mortgages – Which One Is The Better Choice? - Good Money Sense (1)

Not many people can pay cash for a house these days. According to Zillow, the median home sale price in the United States ending October 2018 was $225,900. You are going to need a piggy bank the size of a house for that.

For most people, buying a home means taking out a mortgage. The two most common mortgage terms are 15-year and 30-year fixed rate mortgages. This brings us to the question of which should one go with that makes the most financial sense.

Recently there was an article on CNBC where experts Kevin O’Leary from “Shark Tank”, David Bach the author of “The Automatic Millionaire”, and Suze Orman all agreed that everyone should pay off their mortgages as soon as possible.

Personal finance guru Dave Ramsey tells everyone they should never get a 30-year mortgage so they can get out of debt quicker.

That means everyone should go with the 15-year mortgage, right?

Not exactly.

Table of Contents

Pros and Cons of 15-Year and 30-Year Mortgages

First off, lets look at the plus and minuses of the two different mortgage lengths.

Pros of a 15-year mortgage
  • Lower interest rates
  • You build equity faster
  • You pay off home in half the time
Pros of a 30-year mortgage
  • Lower monthly payments
  • More money left over each month
  • Able to get a larger loan
Cons of a 15-year mortgage
  • Higher monthly payments
  • Less cashflow
  • Smaller loan amount
Cons of a 30-year mortgage
  • Higher interest rates
  • Slower to build up equity in home
  • Takes longer to pay off mortgage

With a 15-year mortgage, you get a lower interest rate, pay less in interest, and you pay off your home in half the time.

How is this possible? This is because a mortgage is an amortization loan. You are paying both down both the interest and the principal each month. However, in the beginning of the loan, most of your payments are going towards paying off the interest. With a higher monthly payment and lower interest rate in a shorter term mortgage, you are paying down the principal faster.

Let’s look at the numbers of an actual example.

Comparing A 15-Year To A 30-Year Mortgage

Right now for December 2018, Chase Bank is offering the below mortgage rates:

15-Year vs 30-Year Mortgages – Which One Is The Better Choice? - Good Money Sense (2)

Assume you purchase a $250,000 house, and since you are no dummy, you put a 20% down payment, or $50,000 to avoid PMI. You go get a mortgage for $200,000.

With a 15-year fixed rate mortgage:

Monthly payment: $1,454
Total interest paid: $61,800
Total payments: $261,800

With a 30-year fixed rate mortgage:

Monthly payment: $999
Total interest paid: $159,485
Total payments: $359,485

With a 15-year mortgage, you would pay an extra $455 a month, but save $97,685 in interest.

At a glance, this would seem like a great deal and you should pick the 15-year mortgage because you are saving a ton of money.

Why A 30-Year Mortgage Term Is Better

Here’s why a 30-year mortgage might be a smarter choice.

You can invest the difference in the monthly payments

Let’s see what happens after 30 years if you chose the 15-year mortgage loan. You will have paid off the house after 15 years. Then you take the $1,454 in monthly payments and put it into the S&P 500, which has an average annual return of about 7% since its inception after adjusting for inflation.

Using our compound interest calculator, after 15 years of regular contributions you will have $463,552 in your investment account.

Not bad, right? But wait a second.

Now instead of going with a 15-year mortgage, say you went with a 30-year loan and you invested the extra $455 a month difference starting at month 1. After 30 years, you will also have a paid off house. Thanks to the power of compounding and time, your investment account will have $558,324.

Like the story of the race between the rabbit and the turtle, by going with the longer length loan, you will arrive at the finish line with a paid off property just like if you chose a shorter term loan, but you will have an extra $95,000 in your pocket.

Some might be thinking if this is the case, why doesn’t everyone pick the 30-year mortgage then. Past stock market performance doesn’t mean the stock market will perform the same in the future and not everyone will invest the difference in payments religiously month after month, year after year.

Inflation and the time value of money

You’ve probably heard the saying that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow. Ok, maybe not tomorrow, tomorrow, but definitely a decade from now.

The reason for this is inflation, which increases the price of goods and services over time.

When my parents bought their home in 1978, they paid $48,000. Back then the starting salary of a college graduate was $15,051. Fast-forward thirty years to 2008 and the starting salary of a college graduate is $49,224 and the average house is now over $200,000.

Knowing that the value of money in the future is worth a lot less, how should someone take advantage of this?

They should get a fixed rate mortgage with the longest term. This is especially true right now because interest rates are low. Your monthly payment will be the same three decades from now. You will be paying down a loan in today’s dollars with money from the future. You want to stick it to the banks? This is how you do it – by paying them back with the future’s worth-less money.

More flexibility

The advantage of a 30-year loan is it gives you options. Even though you have a 30-year mortgage, there is nothing stopping you from paying off your mortgage early. You can pay it off after 1 year, 10 years, 15 years, 30 years, or anywhere in between.

During the good times when you are doing well, you can put more money towards your mortgage and pay it off sooner. If something happens, you can scale your payments back and pay it off slower.

If you find a better investment, you can put your extra money from the longer mortgage towards that instead. For example, you can use the difference to pay down high interest credit card debt first. Or you can just save that money and build up your emergency fund.

Lower required monthly payments

Many people ended up in foreclosure during the Great Recession because they lost their job and were unable to make their mortgage payments. With a smaller payment, it is easier to make the payments if your income gets cut, you get sick, or life happens.

It is usually easier for someone to make a smaller $1k a month payment than a $1.5k monthly payment. There are a lot more $50k jobs than $100k jobs out there.

Where many people mess up is looking at the amount of money each month they are paying on their mortgage. They see because of the smaller payments on a 30-year loan versus a 15-year loan, they can afford a more expensive house. So they go out and buy a fancy McMansion.

Lenders aren’t helping either by pre-approving homebuyers for a larger loan amount since the lender can make more money in interest and closing costs. Because the bank will loan you a million dollars to buy a home doesn’t mean you need to. Some realtors also push their clients towards the more expensive houses in their budget range because they’d get a larger commission check.

What you should do is spend the same amount on the house as if you are going with the 15-year mortgage, but get a 30-year mortgage. Take the extra money from the lower payments from the 30-year mortgage and build up your savings so if you do lose your job, you will have a large emergency fund to get you through the lean times until you find another job. Once you have a decent sized emergency fund, put that money towards paying off your mortgage faster.

The difference in interest rates is less than you think

Looking at the above interest rates between the 15-year and 30-year mortgage, the interest rate on the 15-year mortgage is 0.625% lower.

When you consider that you can itemize and deduct the home mortgage interest on your taxes, the difference is even smaller. If you are in the 22% federal tax bracket and if your state tax rate is 6%, the after-tax interest rate for the 15-year mortgage is now 2.75% and the 30-year mortgage rate is 3.21%. The difference is now 0.46%.

Closing $ense

You will hear personal finance gurus say over and over again that the key to being wealthy is to have zero debt. Yes, being debt-free is a good thing. It lowers the amount of stress in your life and gives you peace of mind. But there is also good debt and bad debt. The truly wealthy put their money to work to make more money for them. One of these ways is using debt intelligently.

If you have a high income, but no self-control and will simply blow the difference in mortgage payments on cars, boats, and making it rain at the club, then following the Dave Ramsey model of getting a 15-year mortgage and achieving complete freedom from debt faster is a good idea.

If you are disciplined and understand how to take advantage of the opportunity afforded by a low interest, long-term fixed rate loan, then a 30-year mortgage will usually be a better choice.

When you are buying property as an investment and renting it out, then the 30-year mortgage makes more sense. You will have a lower payment with the longer term loan, thus increasing your cashflow.

No matter which mortgage you choose, one thing the personal finance experts got right is you should be out of debt by the time you retire.

Which mortgage do you think is best for you? Do you have any advice on how to pay off your mortgage faster?

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15-Year vs 30-Year Mortgages – Which One Is The Better Choice? - Good Money Sense (2024)


15-Year vs 30-Year Mortgages – Which One Is The Better Choice? - Good Money Sense? ›

The Bottom Line

Why might someone choose the 30-year mortgage over the 15-year mortgage? ›

The 30-year mortgage is the most popular loan in the nation for a reason. In particular, it minimizes your monthly payment. This can make these loans easier to qualify for and help you afford to buy a home sooner than you could with a 15-year loan.

What is the best mortgage term to take as of now? ›

If you can score a good interest rate—which was entirely doable up until early 2022—you'll get to enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a guaranteed low rate for a whole five years. Three-year fixed mortgage rates are typically slightly lower—that's because the five-year term locks you in for a longer period.

What is one advantage that is common to both 15-year and 30-year mortgages? ›

One advantage of both 15-Year and 30-Year Mortgages is the ability to purchase a home without paying the full cost upfront, as well as the potential to accrue equity over time and benefit from tax deductions on mortgage interest payments.

Am I better off with a 15 or 30 year mortgage? ›

If your aim is to pay off the mortgage sooner and you can afford higher monthly payments, a 15-year loan might be a better choice. The lower monthly payment of a 30-year loan, on the other hand, may allow you to buy more house or free up funds for other financial goals.

What is the disadvantage of a 15 year mortgage? ›

The 15-year mortgage has some advantages when compared to the 30-year, such as less overall interest paid, a lower interest rate, lower fees, and forced savings. There are, however, some disadvantages, such as higher monthly payments, less affordability, and less money going toward savings.

How much is a $200,000 mortgage payment for 30 years? ›

Let's look at an example of how your loan term affects your mortgage payment. At a 7% interest rate, a 30-year fixed $200K mortgage has a monthly payment amount of $1,331, while a 15-year fixed $200K mortgage at the same interest rate has a monthly payment amount of $1,798.

At what age should you no longer have a mortgage? ›

According to him, your best chance for long-term financial success lies in getting out from under your mortgage by age 45. This is because by O'Leary's reckoning, most careers are halfway done by age 45.

Is 50 too old for a 30-year mortgage? ›

There is no age limit on home loans and age-based discrimination is illegal. But when you apply for a mortgage, your age will be considered among many key criteria; you need to prove you can pay a mortgage now and into the future.

Is it cheaper to pay off a 30-year mortgage in 15 years? ›

Some people get a 30-year mortgage, thinking they'll pay it off in 15 years. If you did that, your 30-year mortgage would be cheaper because you'd save yourself 15 years of interest payments. But doing that is really no different than choosing a 15-year mortgage in the first place.

Can I change my 15-year mortgage to a 30-year? ›

If you originally got a 15-year mortgage but find the payments challenging, refinancing to a 30-year loan can lower your payments by as much as several hundred dollars each month. Conversely, if you have a 30-year mortgage, a 15-year term can help you build equity much faster.

Why is a 15-year mortgage cheaper? ›

Long-term savings: 15-year mortgage rates are typically lower than 30-year mortgage rates. The difference reflects their shorter lifespan: Because the lender assumes fewer years of risk, it offers a better rate.

Why do people get 30-year mortgages? ›

Because a 30-year mortgage has a longer term, your monthly payments will be lower and your interest rate on the loan will be higher. So, over a 30-year term you'll pay less money each month, but you'll also make payments for twice as long and give the bank thousands more in interest.

Why do 30-year mortgages cost more than 15 years? ›

By their nature, a longer-term loan means more time spent paying interest. Combined with the long repayment term, interest rate charges are higher on a 30-year mortgage than a 15-year one. This means you'll end up paying more over the life of the loan than you would for a 15-year mortgage with the same interest rate.

What is one advantage to a 30-year mortgage? ›

Low monthly payments: Assuming identical principle balances, a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage offers the lowest monthly payment among traditional fixed-rate loans. Flexibility with payments: The lower payment will allow you more flexibility if you run into financial trouble — a layoff or a prolonged illness, for instance.

Why might a person elect to take out a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage? ›

You want a predictable payment schedule: Your mortgage payment can be predictable if you get a 30-year fixed-rate home loan. The interest and principal payment stay the same for the entire repayment period.

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