15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (2024)

Being frugal can be a life choice or a necessity.

Frugal people often start out on the frugal path out of necessity and it then becomes a habit that they chose to continue with.

I started down the frugal path when I wasteenage single mum on benefits/welfare.

I had to be frugal for a long time until the point came when I realized I didn’t need to be frugal but wanted to.

If you can live your best life by saving some of your hard earned money each month why not be frugal?

15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (1)

Being debt free is a great place to be and often you strive for years to get to that point.

Once there you don’t want to slip back into debt by making financial mistakes.

I am not a frugal queen as I have to occasionally concentrate onsweating the small stuffas a way to keep my frugal muscles strong.

The 1stpart of this frugal mini series looked at the financial actionsfabulously frugal people always take.

Today we will look at the opposite, what frugal people never do with their finances.

If you are already a frugal King or Queen then you will probably nod in agreement as you run through this list.

If you are still developing your frugalness then this list should help you build your frugal muscles.

Other posts in this series include:

7 Simple Tips of Fabulously Frugal People to Live a GREAT Life

The Fundamental MUST Haves For Your Fabulously Frugal Home

How To Be Frugal: 200+ Best Frugal Living Tips To Try Today

Follow me on Pinterest for more money saving hints and financial tips!

15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (2)
15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (3)

15 Things Fabulously Frugal People Never do With Their Finances

Buy more house than they need

Have you seen the programmes where a couple are looking to buy a house and stipulate that they need at least 4 bedrooms?

For 2 people? Who don’t have children?

That’s not a need, it’s an absolute want.

Frugal people recognize the difference between want and need and don’t buy huge houses.

Huge houses cost more in so many ways:

  • to buy
  • maintenance
  • bigger mortgage payments
  • higher utility bills
  • furnishing every room
  • time spent cleaning

The bigger the house you buy the more money and time you have to spend on it.

Frugal people recognize that a house is a home and a roof over your heads.

What they don’t want is a millstone around their necks.

15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (4)

Let the bank decide how much to borrow

Buying a house is the single most expensive thing you will likely do in your lifetime.

The credit crunch is long gone and house prices in the UK are still way too high for most first time buyers.

As a result your mortgage is likely to be far higher than those people who bought 20+ years ago.

And you’ll likely stretch it over 30 or even 35 years as opposed to the traditional 25 year mortgage of yesteryear.

The banks will often surprise you with how much they are willing to lend you based on your income and affordability.

Frugal people don’t let the banks decide how much they will borrow.

They decide how much they are willing to get into debt for.

Fitting in with not buying more house than they need frugal people don’t take on more mortgage debt than is necessary.

Related post:15 things we gladly gave up to be mortgage free

Forget where they spent money

With contactless payments it is very easy to forget when you have bought something.

Because contactless is all about quick payments you often don’t hang around to pick up the receipt.

Your bank statement, should you look at it, doesn’t always show contactless payments for up to 48 hours so these spends can be very much hidden.

Frugal people always know when and where they have spent money.

They are highly likely to pick their receipt even if it’s for just £2.

They track their spendingso they know what they spent last month and the month before.

Related post:21 Money Saving Tips For Beginners – How To Start Saving Big NOW!

15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (5)

Have large cable bills

These days with all the different sports channels and movie packages you can easily spend a fortune on cable/satellite TV.

Not so frugal people.

For those who do have a TVthey cut their viewing costs to the bone.

Cable channels are not paid for – there’s plenty of free channels to be had.

You can watch TV for free, you might not be able to watch the latest programmes and films but frugal people may well make that choice.

Netflix is shared among family members if taken out.

You can save £100 a month by not paying for cable/satellite.

That’s £1200 a year or £12000 over 10 years – not to be sniffed at!

Related post:12 Things You Should Never Pay For

Only do the 9-5

Most of us have a day job that may well be a traditional 9-5, shift work or something else.

Frugal people recognize that having your 9-5 is not the end of your earning potential.

There are other earning options out there and they take advantage of them.

Whether that is a part time job/side hustle that takes you back out of the house.

Or it might be earning money from home, possibly online.

Related posts:

41 Awesome Hobbies That Can Make You Money Right Now

Make money from your bank account – in just 1 hour!

100 legitimate ways to make extra money

15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (6)

Take out extended warranties

These days whenever you buy any electrical item you are presented with ahard sell on an extended warranty.

I recently needed a new kettle and so checked Argos.

For every kettle over £10 I had a pop up window encouraging me to purchase a 3 year extended warranty.

Kettle costWarranty price
£10 – £14.99£2.59
£15 – £19.99£6.29
£20 – £29.99£7.99
£30 – £39.99£10.99

Seriously? Those warranty prices are up to 1/3 the price of the kettle.

Frugal people put money aside to fix things or buy replacements.

If you bought warranties for every electrical item you’d have a lot less money to play with.

Pay interest

Apart from their mortgage interest frugal people make a point of never paying interest.

If you are paying interest it means you have had to borrow money in order to buy something.

Save up your money for the widgets you need to buy, do without until you have saved enough.

If you know you are going to need to replace your car in 3 years time. Save up the money between now and then.

If you take out a car loan you’ll be paying X per month for 3-5 years.

Save X for 3 years before you buy that car and not only will you not pay any interest, you’ll earn it instead on your savings!

15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (7)

Impulse buy

When you are conscious about your spending and every penny you earn has a job, you are less likely to impulse buy.

Shopping as a leisure activity is dangerous to your purse.

Frugal people have financial purpose in their lives.

They earn money for a reason.

They save money for a reason.

Buying something which hasn’t been carefully thought about, researched and price compared is not something a frugal person does.

You may also like:Live Cheaply – How You Can Win At Living On Next To Nothing

Upgrade their mobile phone every year

First off frugal people are very unlikely to buy their mobile phone (if they have one!) as part of a monthly package deal.

If they do they will have worked out it was cheaper to buy this way.

I bought my mobile phone without a package and pay for a sim only deal.

When you are on a monthly payment plan which includes the handset you do not need to upgrade just because you are entitled to one.

Indeed its not a free upgrade, it’s a costly way to keep you paying that same monthly fee.

The alternative is to switch your monthly plan to one that doesn’t include a phone. These can start from just £5 a month at GiffGaff.

Frugal people keep their phones until they no longer work.

Then they replace them with something that doesn’t cost £700 or £40 a month.

15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (8)

Spend money instead of time

Time is something we often have plenty of. We might not use it efficiently but we all have 24 hours in every day.

Frugal people always spend their time wisely to ensure they don’t spend money unnecessarily.

Frugal people don’t outsource chores they are perfectly capable of doing themselves.

Chores such as:

  • gardening/yard work
  • ironing
  • cleaning
  • washing their car
  • basic DIY

Related post:12 Traditional Frugal Living Tips To Supercharge Your Savings

Overuse heating and aircon

We are lucky in the UK in that our weather is usually fairly mild in comparison to some countries.

We don’t need air conditioning as standard and we can have many months where we don’t need to run the central heating.

Frugal people take active steps to keep their electricity and other utility bills to a minimum.

They despair when they see bedroom windows open on a cold winters day.

They know the central heating is on and the heat is flying straight out of that window!

Frugal people never put the heating on at the first sign of the seasons changing.

They know once the heating is on, it will likely stay on until the following spring.

Frugal people also keep the temperature down low, althoughI think Tanja and Mark are seriously hardcore!

It’s all about layers in the winter – the more the better and closing curtains in the summer.

Related reading:How To Keep Your House Warm And Your Energy Bills Low This Winter

15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (9)

Max their credit cards

Credit cards are a great tool much used by frugal people.

What they don’t do is max out their credit cards and end up with interest payable.

Credit cards are a tool to be used for you.

Not something for you to end up paying for the privilege of using.

Frugal people don’t pay for privileges.

Use vending machines

Ever stayed in a hotel and there is a vending machine in the lobby?

I swear the chocolate in those machines talk to me – even through 2 floors of the hotel.

Have I ever given in and bought something from a vending machine?

Not in the last 20 years.

Have you seen the price of the chocolate in those machines?!

When I know I can get 4 chocolate bars for £1 from my local shop, I am not prepared to pay £1 for one bar just because it keeps talking to me!

Frugal people never give in to the instant gratification that vending machines offer.

They come prepared, they have snacks in their bag or they know they can wait until they get home.

They recognize that they don’t need whatever is in the vending machines.

15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (10)

Get rid of stuff they could sell

One man’s rubbish is another man’s treasure. You will be surprised what can be soldon Ebay or Craiglist these days.

Frugal people don’t automatically throw their stuff away.

Whatever they buy you can bet they make fine use of it.

When it comes time to get rid they will look at selling it on to someone else.

Every penny counts as the saying goes so if you can make a few pounds selling your old stuff you can bet a frugal person is going to do this.

If this fails they will seek out a charity shop/thrift store to keep that item in circulation rather than ending up in landfill.

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50 frugal habits that are also eco friendly

How To Declutter Your Home FAST When You Ain’t Got Time For That!

15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (11)

Buy newest and latest

We live in an age where technology is moving so fast that things you bought a few months ago have been superseded by the next best thing.

Have you seen the size of televisions you can now get?

I still have the 1st TV my parents bought so they could watch the 1970 Football World Cup (it’s in the attic for nostalgic reasons).

I think its a 10” black and white Sony TV.

For many years a large TV tended to be in the 28-32” category.

Now you can buy 75” televisions.

Frugal people aren’t against buying large TVs but what they refuse to do is get rid of perfect good, working items just because something new, bigger and better comes along.

If your TV is broken and cannot be fixed then chose your next TV based on your budget.

Don’t get suckered into thinking bigger is better.

At the time of writing the most expensive TV at Argos was £3600.

That’s the cost of a small car!

If you invested that for 10 years instead and gained 6% each year you would have £6,549 (excluding investment fees).

How frugal are you? Do you follow these frugal must never do’s?

I am taking part in the Monday Money linky withLynn from Mrs Mummy Penny,Faith from Much More With LessandEmma from EmmaDrew.Info

15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (12)
15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (13)
15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (14)
15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (15)

Last Updated on 4th April 2023 by Emma

15 Things Frugal People NEVER Do With Their Money (2024)


What frugal people don t do? ›

Here are 30+ things frugal people usually don't do.
  • Fail to Implement a Budget. ...
  • Spend Money Every Single Day. ...
  • Choose Wants over Needs. ...
  • Have Enormous Cable Bills. ...
  • Waste Food. ...
  • Make Impulse Purchases Based on Emotion. ...
  • Buy Brand Name Items and Clothes to Make an Impression. ...
  • Shop as a Form of Entertainment.

How to not be frugal with money? ›

The easiest way to reduce your frugal habits is by making more money and achieving certain stretch goals. It's when you buy things with money you don't deserve (trust fund, inheritance, lottery, using a credit card, your spouse's income, etc) that your conscience may start making you feel terrible about your spending.

How can I save money when I am already frugal? ›

Ten Frugal Habits to Save Money
  1. Track Spending.
  2. Automate Your Savings.
  3. Save Loose Change.
  4. Compare Prices & Comparison Shop.
  5. Avoid Spending Triggers.
  6. Shop Second Hand.
  7. Save Windfall Income & Use a Spending Rule of Thumb.
  8. Institute a Waiting Period.

What is frugal when it comes to money? ›

Being frugal isn't about deprivation; it's about intentionality. It means getting the most value out of what you already have and making conscious choices about what you spend your money on. The good news? Being frugal can help you save money and have experiences that you truly value.

What is toxic frugality? ›

Frugality is the practice of being wise with money and avoiding wastefulness. It's a virtue that many people admire. It fosters responsible financial habits and can lead to a more sustainable life. But there's a darker side to frugality that can be detrimental to our quality of life. This is known as “toxic frugality.”

How can you tell if someone is frugal? ›

They budget carefully, allocate a predetermined portion of their income to savings and investments, and do not exceed it. They save up for big purchases, prefer to buy with cash (as opposed to credit), and keep an emergency fund for times of need.

What is money dysmorphia? ›

Money dysmorphia is a negative or unrealistic perception of one's financial wellness. A financial therapist says millennials and Gen Zers are more prone to experiencing money dysmorphia. She said life transitions, self-comparison, and outdated ideas about money can fuel this perception.

How to live extremely cheaply? ›

What are some tips for being frugal?
  1. Create a budget and stick to it. Being frugal begins with this tip. ...
  2. Shop around for the best deals. Buy what you need from the first store you see, but don't just go to the first one you see. ...
  3. Buy used instead of new. ...
  4. Make your own stuff. ...
  5. Repurpose and recycle. ...
  6. Be patient.
Aug 22, 2023

What makes people cheap? ›

A cheap person would be motivated by their savings and prioritize saving every penny at the price of value. Where the frugal person would do their best to use their limited resources and maximize their value. Still, they would be conscious of how they spend their money and the quality they get.

What is the most frugal way to live? ›

12 Tips for Frugal Living
  • Choose quality over quantity. ...
  • Prioritize value over price. ...
  • Use credit wisely. ...
  • Declutter regularly. ...
  • Use a budget to guide your spending. ...
  • Know the difference between wants and needs. ...
  • Be a savvy consumer. ...
  • Prioritize your values.
Oct 17, 2023

What is the difference between being frugal and cheap? ›

Both frugal and cheap people like to save money on costly expenses like food. But a cheap person is likely to purchase whatever cost the least (even if it isn't the healthiest choice), while a frugal person might set a budget and invest in nutritious and whole foods.

How can I save money if I barely make anything? ›

  1. Focus on small changes in various budget categories.
  2. Automate your savings into a high-yield savings account.
  3. Earn interest on your checking account.
  4. Use those three-payday months to save more.
  5. Keep a budget.
  6. Shop around for insurance rates.
  7. Refinance your mortgage.
  8. Find a way to save on rent.
Oct 19, 2023

What do you call a person who doesn't spend money easily? ›

A cheapskate can also be called a miser or a tightwad. Definitions of cheapskate. noun. a miserly person. synonyms: tightwad.

What do you call someone who is careful with money? ›

Some common synonyms of frugal are economical, sparing, and thrifty. While all these words mean "careful in the use of one's money or resources," frugal implies absence of luxury and simplicity of lifestyle.

Can a frugal person be generous? ›

Frugal people don't waste money, but they are willing to give what they have to help out someone else.

What are the disadvantages of being frugal? ›

For those who choose to live a frugal life, Lynda Moore points out some downsides, especially the ones counterproductive to building wealth
  • Cutting costs a little too far. ...
  • Endless price comparing. ...
  • Skipping the fun stuff. ...
  • Investing in yourself. ...
  • Build some flexibility into your budget.
Apr 30, 2024

What does a frugal person do? ›

For the most part, that means finding ways to pay less for everything from groceries to clothing, utilities and everyday bills. Being thrifty or frugal also means simply going without some things, mostly because it helps you reduce financial waste while freeing up more cash to save.

What is the opposite of a frugal person? ›

Antonyms: profligate, prodigal, spendthrift, extravagant, wasteful.

How not to be a cheap person? ›

How can I be frugal without being cheap?
  • Focus on the big picture. Don't worry about the little things. ...
  • Don't be afraid to splurge on things you love. It's okay to spend money on something you really want if it's something you really want. ...
  • Find ways to save money that are fun.
Aug 22, 2023

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.